Now that they were closer, Nevin had been able to watch them and actually know what he was looking at. The little girl was tiny, not quite human, and patently upset. Her little arms were folded across her chest in a pout, and she kept shooting little looks at the man who was riding the massive horse next to her. It was... A small child looking for reassurance, and not receiving it and being upset about it. Hm.

As the remaining people had calmed down, taking comfort in his own serene observation, the girl had seemed to perk up, looking around the street more energetically as it emptied. Going out was probably a rare occurrence for her. It was when her eyes slid over him, and over his shop, that she blinked and looked back, her gaze fixation on him. No, not on him. On the sign next to him - proclaiming that candy was sold in his store. Ah.

She twisted, asked for "yummy" treats, and was soundly rebuffed. The man had looked in his direction for a moment before responding - that they were there for one reason, and one reason only. Disappointing to the girl no doubt, but Nevin wasn't about to butt in.

"And what do you want?" at least, he wasn't going to butt in without being asked for his input. The man's tone was brusque, curt and stiff like he didn't see a reason to be talking with Nevin. That, or he didn't talk with people very often. He wasn't outright rude, but did seem to want to be on his way.

Nevin shrugged one shoulder - the one that Aphrael wasn't currently on - before replying. The man was at least being courteous enough to stop and wait for his answer, and not just continuing down the street.

"Just came out to see what the hullabaloo was about out here. The local guard isn't exactly the best, so people running in the streets could mean any number of things. That aside, my name is Nevin." He bowed, Aphrael flying off of his shoulder as he did so. The black-and-red corvid flew over to the girl, perching carefully on one of her mount's horns as she trilled a cheerfully greeting to the small child."And that is Aphrael. Not precisely my place sir, but isn't it a bit of a waste to have traveled as far as you obviously have, and only purchase on thing? Perhaps understandable if you were acquiring a rare item of some repute, but I don't think anything like that stands out here in our little mining village." He smiled, though a keen observer could likely tell that the expression was plastic, forced - something a shopkeeper was expected to do. The smile never reached his eyes, after all.