As Vaeron began to curl his lip again Celandine decided it was time to be polite. She pushed Erik forwards, urging him with a firm kick of her hooves into his flanks. They were thick from the pounds of muscle and fur that were attached to the creature. Generations of hiking through cold mountain peaks had required them to be hardy. They were the perfect beasts for Salvar - but ones who lived outside of Salvar. Tough. Strong. Never failing.

She brought the tera'k around, making it very clear to the man that she was not human at all. To one casual observer she might seem human, with only tiny nubs for horns and tapered ears hidden beneath mounds of brown fluff hair. It was only when someone saw her legs that they properly realised.

"I'm Celandine, but everyone calls me Dine. That's Vaeron. He's my dad but he doesn't like being reminded of it," she thumbed the air towards the human, who immediately stiffened. "He rides Megladon, I ride Erik. Mostly because I'm a faun," she grinned a gorgeous smile.

Then she pointed at Aphrael. "I like your crow. She's big like my mum's dragon. Vaeron says that-"

"Right that's enough, you!"

Suddenly there was a big hand and this time Erik's reigns were wrenched from her hands entirely. Vaeron looked visibly annoyed and was glaring at Celandine. When she saw his expression she deflated somewhat and went utterly quiet.

"We're here for weapons, not to make friends, little princess. We can't afford that now." He paused, looking at the girl completely defeated and sorrowful and took in a long breath.

He looked at Nevin again. "Can you show is the blacksmith?"