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Thread: World History

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  1. #9

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    A gaze of discomfort flittered through her eyes, as she felt the discomfort of not knowing what was doing on precisely with her body still. But she lifted her eyes and settled them to his. Gently, as he could do, he smiled, and gave her a confident nod.

    "You keep proving to me, my dear, that my instincts about you were correct, and that I was right to bring you into my household as I did. Making my bond stronger with you is necessary, fundemental in our relationship and how we build from here on in. I am already working on a ritual to rid you of that cuff and me of this ring ... though that will be some time more. Even years to store up the amount of magic to be required." He gazed at her intently, watching her steady expression and then he straightened.

    "Aside from that, I will tell you what I have discovered," he moved his hands both from the cane, letting the owl-headed object balance against the desk. "I, you see, have found some increasing abilities of my own." He paused, grinning at her widening eyes. "Indeed, me. As if I was not powerful enough. But," he raised his chin slightly. "It seems your being here has also benefitted me. The things I have noticed have been increasing for some time now, perhaps six months or so, but only now do I truly understand what they are.

    "I am beginning to be able to see the past of my father. What he created, how he created, the entire history of his planet. And of my studies in the months, I do not think he can notice me there, so either it is memories of my own, passed down to me that I am accessing, or I am immune to any detection he may have. Either way, my physical understanding of the sciences and structural engineering of existence has ... well alerted entirely. Nothing in any book I have read or any experiement I have seen comes close to the comprehension I have been able to begin to gather."

    Stare simply ... stared, her huge black eyes endless in awe and complete stupefaction. Perplexed, bewildered, astonished, in wonder ... she was all of these things and more. Here he was, a man above men, an actual god sitting across from her in the chair, telling her that he had been able to figure out what actually made the universe work. Something that not even the bravest of mortal minds had begun to think about yet, let alone figure out the mathematics to.

    "... Why ... why are you telling me this and not - not Ventrua right now, or Raevin or ...?" she could not thinnk of anyone else. Her eyes blinked what seemed a thousand times before she huffed, "What the actual fuck, Vitruvion. What is going on?"

    "It began with mere flickering images in my dreams, my dear, and do not use my name like that," he frowned a little as he chided her. "But I have been working on it to the extent, now, where I am almost fully able to access what I can suitably reach. Still far from being able to sift through all the knowedlge there, but I can summon easily anything that I have seen before. I will not go into the understanding with you, for it will distract you from your duties, however I am letting you know." He lifted a brow, "And how do you know that I have not told my sister or Raevin yet?"

    The kenku paused, "I don't ..."

    "Exactly. Though, I have not, and for purposes I will now explain. You see," he gestured to her, "My new insight alligns very neatly from the time when we discovered your species connection with myself. When you and I acknowledged I was your god. Had to be, after all my father abandonded you. I suspect that my gaining of my first ... subject," he smiled subtly at her, his voice clear and very much pleased, "That it opened up this portion of me that either had the memories already, or could access Ansaldo's. I am a god, have always been, but you are my first proper claim. My first realisation. In this spirit, I am now a god in all senses of the word, apart from this damn fucking body I am trapped in," his voice slipped into disgust for a moment, then out again. "I have not told others, even my sister ... or perhaps especially my sister, because they would find no use in the facts and it is not in their right really. But you brought me this knowledge, I believe, and since you have already proved yourself trustworthy ... well."

    Gently he leant far over the table and ran a light hand over her head, smoothing the feathers down, like a loving father, a lover or a man to simply wanted to patronise. "You see, Stare, when you are now on missions for me I will able to advise in more ways than I have done ever before. I can give you the literal scientific build of any creature you face. You are the paladin I intend never to have, my right hand that brings my wrath."
    Last edited by Stare; 10-07-2017 at 06:19 PM.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

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