"How sweet, absolutely saccharine, isn't it Fennick?" Scarlet asked as she stroked the wolfs fur, it stood on end and the pup yelped in sheer terror at her touch and tried to wrench away. It amused Scarlet, seeing the stark contrast. The animal was once so affectionate toward her it caused jealousy to ooze from Fenn, now...now it recoiled simply from being around her and it looked as though it pained the pathetic creature just to lightly touch her.

How interesting...

Scarlet noted Fenn's look, startled and hurt and oh so angry. "What's wrong?" She asked as she cocked her head to the side, feigning innocence as she tugged the direwolf back away, hand over hand she pulled on its chains till the pup was forced to sit at her feet. "I thought you would have liked this, considering you were so envious of how much she adored me before. Isn't this better, Fennick?" His glare told her otherwise. She shrugged. "Don't give me that look. You should have known this was going to happen."

Scarlet began to slowly circle the tiny cage, dragging the direwolf pup behind her, her steps were slow and calculated. Each hard click of her booted heel echoed around them.




"You left me with him, despite my protests, despite me trying to explain to you that it would not bode well." Scarlet stooped her voice lowering into a growl. "You didn't listen." She turned to face Fenn, and in turn purposefully stomped on Daugi's front paw. Daugi gave a yelp and tried to pull away, clearly too afraid to attack the redheaded assassin. "What kind of FRIEND refuses to listen to reason?: She stomped down on Daugi's paw again, this time her heel grinding into the bone and a sickening snap was heard. She stomped a third time and a splatter of blood burst forth, "WHO insists that it was for 'my best interests'?" Scarlet snorted, then laughed. It was a broken laughter that shook her body. Amari covered part of her face with her hand. "You were one of my ONLY friends...." She muttered between maddening gasps. "Oh you taught me such a lesson..." She breathed. She pushed her hair out of her face, her broken laughter dying down into a muted seriousness that was unbecoming of her sudden outburst. "And I need to return the favour."

There was a time that Fenn's betrayal greatly upset the woman. She felt hurt. She felt that she couldn't trust the fae anymore, how could she when he was so ready to give her up to a man he didn't know too well, to a man who claimed to help her, but instead shat all over her cooking and threw her halfway across Althanas? There was a time where she would have sought Fenn out with tearful eyes, asking him why. But that time had passed. Those emotions were nothing more than a fickle memory that Scarlet struggled to place and comprehend. Her actions were spurred by those broken memories, and a dull feeling ebbing inside her soul. She felt at peace, she felt a resounding clarity, but she felt dull. There was a void she had to fill and Fenn just so happened to be in the wrong place, at the right time.

Something about seeing Fenn in pain, seeing his heartbroken green orbs switch from her to Daugi. It excited Scarlet. Perhaps this was what she needed. Scarlet's lips fell into a stoic line as she pulled the chain above her head, lifting a whimpering Daugi off the ground. The chains dug deep into it's black matted fur. Her black and red eyes did not leave Fenn's. "How it must feel to loose a friend." She tugged hard on the chain and the direwolf gave a sickening broken howl. "How it feels to loose everything." Another yank and the dog's yelp was cut off. Scarlet dropped the chain, Daugi crumpled silently to the floor, barely breathing.

At first all the boy did was reach out helpless towards his hurting mutt, wincing as his arm brushed the bars of his cage. But the last sentence, it did something to him. Stark realization lit up Fenn's face. One could almost see the gears in his head turn as something clicked. No, he shook his head in disbelief. Weak, curling frost spread under his hand. I WAS HELPING. I WAS TRYING. MISTAKE. YOU ARE HURTING. DIFFERENT.

Scarlet's eyes glanced over his hurried words. "Hurting? No. I am free." There was a pause in her words. Free. Yes, that's right. With the help of the madman she had been stripped of her humanity, her emotions. Even he, the man who slaughtered a nation, the man who pit his own men against each other and incited a war. The man who took down everything around him and tore it apart called her a monster. His own creation. She was above him. She was above them all, perhaps it was time to share this gift with others.

Scarlet dragged the barely conscious pup to the cage and knelt down. "Do you want freedom, Fennick?"