Nevin let out a deep breath, his shoulders aching from tension. Dealing with the cult had not been easy - and his decision on what to do with the non-corrupt parts had surprised him. But still, it had not been their fault for that they had fallen for the trappings of the church, and he was not about to take away the message of unity and acceptance that they were clinging to. It had given them hope in lives that didn't really have much to begin with. But. He was done with them, for now, and outside of the city once more. He still felt like it stank, so needed to get out and breath some fresh, clean air before dealing with anything else happening inside the city walls.

As he tried to relax, he heard some shouting. One dark eye cracked open and Nevin peered around until he found the source of the noise. It wasn't sounds of combat as he had feared for a moment, but rather an older woman leading a group of people into the city. Heading the other direction from them was a shorter man, dressed in the trappings of a Paladin. Idly the alchemist wondered just why the townsfolk had stopped the holy knight - had they needed something from him?

Nevin stretched again and settled back against the tree he was sitting beside, Aphrael trilling her merry flute above them as she enjoyed the sensations of relaxation coming from the man. She had been quite distraught about not being able to help him recently, and so just being nearby was soothing to the unusual bird.

The Paladin was walking towards Nevin - well, more likely towards the forest that lay down the trail past the currently bare-headed man. Still, it was enough to make Nevin raise one eyebrow ridge - he had had to shave his eyebrows too. His hair did tend to be rather... distinctive.