Lorenor saw the giant bird take off for a moment and nodded towards it.

He, of course, took Sketch's hand as the other man offered it. He shook hands firmly with the story teller. The Paladin had a strong grip. As he stood there he looked at the pair of friends, and noticed that there was a steady flow of citizens going to and from Radasanth. Out the corner of his eyes, he noticed Garron approaching Radasanth from a different direction. He made a note of the warhammer that the fellow wielded. As Lorenor did that, he listened to everything that Sketch and Nevin spoke about.

"You lot fought some Goblins?" Lorenor rubbed his chin carefully. "That is a very brave thing to do, to protect so many that could have never defended themselves." Lorenor had a thick Radasanth accent. He was not a city dweller though...he had manners. Most city folks were rude and it was a growing concern. "I am glad that you fellows made it out of that ordeal intact. Goblins are not known for their mercy." Lorenor considered what he had learned. If Goblins are once again active in Scara Brae, perhaps it is time for me to take a trip out there. Lorenor thought to himself. Then he continued to talk to the two fellows. "An Alchemist, regardless of skill level, is always in demand." Lorenor said calmly. "You probably saved a lot of lives that day and you should be glad for that...but...in those sorts of situations The Needs of The Many. Far outweigh the Needs of The Few. Or The One." Lorenor recalled the old proverb. His friend, Sei Orlouge taught him that a long time ago when he was still under the influence of N'Jal.

"Someone who meant a lot to me taught me that a long time ago." Lorenor said with a soft smile on his face. One thing was certain, Lorenor had a genuine sincerity and kindness about him. His eyes had a gentle glow about them that was almost peaceful to look at. He continued to make small talk with Nevin and Sketch but then he recalled the question Sketch had asked. "Baba Yaga?" Lorenor considered the name for a long moment. He knew of many fortune tellers, and witches and the like, but that particular name seemed somewhat familiar to his teachings. Lorenor looked at Sketch. "The name seems familiar to me. Probably one of the many Fortune Tellers in the area." Lorenor said. "I can get more information from my Order later on. But for now...I am content to simply converse with you guys. But yes, I think I have heard of The Yaga clan before." Lorenor said thoughtfully. He was also considering his knowledge of The Thayne Codex.