(Fuck it. First person time for me too.)

My heart was pounding in my chest, hammering wildly against my ribs as I pressed myself against the door. I sent a quick prayer to the Crimson - for whatever reason, the unnatural creature outside was not trying to break down the door, despite the fact that I knew it had seen me dive in here.

But, with safety apparently secure for the moment, I looked around. This place was still in disrepair, but not the state that it appeared to be from outside. Now that I was indoors, I could see that it looked... Lived in. Not homey per se, but I could definitely see signs that someone made their home here. And someone, not something - the doors inside were closed, at least some of them, and if an animal had made its dwelling in the abandoned building, it would not concern itself with closing doors behind it.

I heard footsteps before I saw the figure approaching, soft and light. Whoever lived here must have heard the door slam, and I hoped they weren't upset with my taking refuge here. The person came in through a door, and it took me a moment to process.

Human, or humanoid at least. They wore dark brown pants, beaten and worn, hands shoved into the pockets. Their upper half was covered by a mottled brown tunic with long sleeves and a hood that was pulled up over their head. Their face was obscured by a polished metal mask, gleaming even in the faint light coming in through the windows, with four holes carved into it. From each hole came a soft glow of amber as the person considered him.

At least they weren't throwing me out right away. I couldn't tell anything from the short distance separating us, but they didn't seem outright angry at my unintended intrusion, but I was not about to risk pushing matters like that. I coughed to clear my throat, trying to relax the fear tightened muscles, and bowed slightly to her - shooting a nervous glance at the door as I stopped leaning against it.

"Ah, hello there. Sorry for the intrusion,
met a bit of... Trouble, outside and this was the first place I saw that looked safe. I didn't realize someone lived here. My name is Nevin, pleasure to meet you."
I couldn't tell from the one short word if the person was male or female - or, Cobalt, humanoid enough to even care.