For a short moment Philomel's gaze floated between the two men, taking their introductions into account. Her interest lay mainly with the one who styled himself Nevin - the one who claimed to have been in an event with Stare. She creased her brow, considering the kenku, then the powerful man who she served, and then admitted that like her own self, enemies were likely to be made for them all. It made Nevin an interesting person. If he was embroiled in such things, then he too had to be of some distinct power.

Sketch on the other hands ... Well he mentioned something called 'gryms'. Philomel had no idea what he meant, but she was sure it was particularly pointant. Probably some power or element that she had yet to fight against. Her lips pursed together and she glanced down at Veridian to get his assessment of the time.

Simply, the fox yawned and stretched to his feet.

Yes, he said.

And he twisted with a sweep of his brush tail and leapt up the rest of the ramp to scurry into the ship. Philomel paused a moment, and then sighed.

"You are lucky he likes you," he told both of the men. Lifting a hand from her mythril sword she spread it after the earth-spirit, nodding. "You come up this ramp and you become my students for the time being. You want to learn, you listen, like any of my crew."

She lowered her hand again. "Right now I am taking my sailors through a series of practise maneouvers and lessons. They are basic, but will advance quickly, gearing up to an eventual test against my ... Well. You will see." She looked at them seriously.

"I presume you brought your own weapons. Follow me if you have and you agree to my terms."

And with that, without even looking at them again, she twisted around to ascend the ship ... To come down into the deck full of sword-practise female pirates. The sounds of metal on metal and wood on wood rang in her ears like a melody.