That evening the two gentlemen were invited to go to lay their heads to rest on the pillows of a fine 'inn' near the harbour called the Maiden and the Fighter. In it they would find various women and a singular pair of men who were quite particularly dressed. They would be greeted with fine smiles and led to private rooms. Apologies would be given as forwarding for the possibility of disturbing noises through the nights.

The next day the sun rose high and the exercises of the former day took place. Glenda placed them through set two of the Serpent's Trance, a series of rigurous lunges and backstabs. Halfway through a small child stumbled into place and practised with them. Her hair was a stream of chestnut and her legs were those of a goat with hooves. With a small blouse she held a steel scimitar over her head and began swishing and kicking with the rest of them.

Ten minutes later it was clear she had done all of this before. She was, as the people rumoured, the darling of the crew, and a princess. Though just an apparent age of five, she swept through the movements as easy as the eldest and most experienced of the warriors there.

As the time came to an end, and people were heaving and puffing and wiping sweat. From their brows, the young girl stood up straight. She looked left to right and seemed entirely uneffected by the entire thing. Frowning she sheathed her blade and then went to walk off, wandering like a lost princess.

The rest of the people began to push out, going to the sides to relax and calm, get their hearts back to a normal beating order. They breathed, they chatted little, they sat back and sank down, the floor emptying little by little.

Making a wide berth in the centre, into which two women strode. One a faun, the mightiest of fauns, who was drawing her long white, slightly curved blade. And the other Glenda herself. Slowly the two of them strode, fresh faced and bright and they came to stand opposite one another. The crowds fell silent apart from the shocked heart thinks and the gasps and murmurs.

Philomel their leader faced off against Glenda and smirked. She counted loud:


And then.

They ran at each other.