Nevin took in a deep breath and adjusted the burden he was carrying. It had taken some time to find someone capable and willing to work with the odd red hide - two tanners had thrown him out, saying the stuff wasn't natural and they refused to have it in their shops. But in the end, he had been successful, and now he carried a length of the blood beasts' hide, tanned into a useful state.

Which led him to now, walking down the streets, carrying a heavy metal ingot and strips of hide in bag resting on his hip. He had heard that there was a smithy that worked in weapons and armor nearby - and while he didn't think he had the coinage to get a tunic made, he hoped he had at least enough for the whip that he had envisioned to be crafted.

The shop that he found was small, unassuming, almost tucked out of the way. But Nevin chose to enter it over some of the fancier, more ornate stores, because of a simple marking under their sign, indicating a list of metals they could work with - and the third metal down was Plynt. There was a clanging sound as Nevin entered, scraps of metal set up in place of a door chime.

"Hello? Anyone in at the moment?"

Looking to get a whip made using Plynt (acquired here, and the hide acquired here I'm looking for a barbed whip with a wire of Plynt in the middle, leading to a grooved handle.