Nosdyn thought of the information that Sketch just mentioned.

Nosdyn listened to everything at that point, and he looked at the gathered merc's. He nodded towards him, though Nosdyn was a Demon...his code dictated interaction with the mortal races of Althanas. Some of the surface dwellers were more tolerable than others. He returned his attention back towards Sketch. "Stay close to me." He suddenly said calmly. He meant it. Though he gave off a panic aura, he didn't want to see the story teller be hurt more than necessary. "When it comes down to it, we'll kill as many as we can."

One of the mercs walked up towards Sketch and Nosdyn. "You sure blind combat will be a good idea?" He asked. "We don't know how many there will be."

Nosdyn nodded. "A valid point, but I have something you guys don't have." Nosdyn said calmly. He tapped the side of his head for a moment. "You will see soon enough. I have a way to gather the information we need." His fear-powers were rapidly emerging and he was eager to test them on a worthy challenge. He was tired of running errands for The Boss of Ettermire. He liked working as a mercenary, it provided interesting work and was always a challenge. He would think outside of the box fairly often.

He looked up at the night sky at that point...several constellations he recognized.

Then he looked at Sketch. "I have a plan. We'll need to capture only one of them." He explained to Sketch. "At that point, I can peer into his mind..."

"You're crazy man!" The merc said suddenly. "You intend to use that trick against a Goblin? How do you know you will survive after that?"

Nosdyn looked at the man for a moment, pondering breaking the man's neck. However, he was on a mission with The Guard Captain and he was showing a tremendous amount of restraint. Under normal circumstances, he would have already killed the idiot merc. "Just trust me on that, I've trained my ability for a long time now...we will be fine. I'll get the information we need one way or the other. We just need one intact." It was a sound plan, and Nosdyn hated being questioned.

The merc was going to continue to question Nosdyn's plan, but he decided against it noting the man's exotic blue skin.

Nosdyn looked at Sketch very carefully. "If you have a way to distract them, I can interrogate one of them. And we can proceed from there. The Guard Captain will have his information at that point." Nosdyn laid out the plan at that point.