A dart was launched at one of the mercenaries by Nosdyn. The man went down quickly as it struck his neck. His body twitching in pain and agony. He gurgled and growled as he died. Blood pouring down from his eyes and nostrils.

Poisoned darts... Nosdyn thought to himself. He activated his weapon, the blade shimmered into the air. Nosdyn looked at his companions, they were drawing their own equipment. The Demon hesitated though. His eyes were locked on The Overlord. Something is wrong... Nosdyn thought to himself.

The Goblins descended upon the mercenary outfit. They started to kill, shred and rip the sellswords apart. But none attacked Nosdyn...for some reason only the Overlord was staring at Nosdyn.

"What do you want...?" Nosdyn suddenly found himself asking.

"You should be with us. But you are not...you are with them for whatever reason. You have a larger role to play in all of the events that are happening. In what is coming." The Overlord said carefully. "Forget about the sellswords, come with me a moment I want to show you something." The Overlord tapped his staff against the ground for a moment or two. Then the Goblins stopped attacking.

Nosdyn approached The Overlord as he silenced his weapon and attached it back on his belt. "There is something you didn't tell Stonevale." Nosdyn said carefully.

"Correct. You are smarter than them. That's why I wanted you to live." The Overlord said calmly. He opened his hand and a glowing energy manifested within it. He held a small crystal in his hand...

"...Tap...energy. How did you stumble upon something like that?" Nosdyn held a newfound respect for The Goblins.

"The powers of The Thaynehood have weakened." The Overlord said. "It's how Joshua Cronen was able to kill Lord Draconus." The Goblins knew of many of Althanas' heroes and villains. The Overlord looked at Nosdyn. "You are NOT bound to Stonevale. You ARE however, bound to another." The Goblin grinned.

Nosdyn nodded carefully listening to what The Overlord was saying. "...It is as you say. Why have you let me live...? I know you have the power to destroy me." Nosdyn said.

"You are not meant to die here. Don't tell the people of Stonevale what you've seen here today. Let them assume the worst. Keep your secrets."

"What do you want from me...?" Nosdyn asked.

"We need a champion. But your time is not here yet. It will come another day. Go back to Stonevale, and report your mission was a failure." The Overlord said calmly.

Nosdyn nodded. "It shall be done." He had an honour code, twisted as it was.