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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)

    Crimson Alchemist, Nevin

    Link to previous level up

    Edits in Red

    Name: Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    Nickname/Alias: Nev,
    Age: 21
    Race: Human
    Height: 5’11’’
    Weight: 175 lbs
    Occupation: Alchemist
    Personality: Easily bored, slow to interest - obsessive about things that DO interest him.
    Born to two human parents, who were obsessed with a minor blood cult that had come from a foreign land. Since reaching adulthood, Nevin has wondered if the cult was actually started by a vampire for some reason, but he has no way of knowing.
    Nevin, as the first child born to members of the cult, was subjected to multiple rituals that he has never been able to find documents of since. These rituals…. Warped the child, and imbued in him a skill and affinity for blood based magics. However, due to the rituals he was subjected to, Nevin has an almost pathological hatred of sacrificial blood magics, and refuses to even consider human sacrifice for any magic he might one day be able to use. Instead he wants to create a different view on blood magic - as something that is useful and beneficial to people, completely separate from sacrificial magics.
    Despite this desire, he knows that common people fear and despise blood magic in any form, so he does his best to keep his abilities concealed until he has built up a positive reputation. Currently, he works as a traveling merchant, searching for a place to set up a shop as an alchemist. Nevin has found a shop, and currently runs Herbal Magick in Stonevale, selling primarily healing tonics, but also candies, medicines designed for Kenku, and Miner’s Delight - a potion that reduces the damage done to lungs by breathing in stone dust.
    Revealed Info: Nevin is actually an amalgamated individual, two souls that have been shoved together, and the trauma to the souls has left a lasting impression. One soul was the child who was a part of the cult growing up - this child has left some marks on Nevin now: Nevin uses the language of the cult in his ‘spells’; and in fact Nevin using his blood magic at all is because of the strange comfort he feels from that part of his soul. The second part was a wanderer, who was abducted by the cult and used in a sacrificial ritual - to give a child experience and life force beyond his years. Due to the cult’s fear though, and refusal to actually sacrifice a member of the cult, Nevin came about - someone who did NOT agree with the cult and its desires. He managed to distort and twist the final ritual of the cult; this prevented the actual goal of the ritual from being accomplished, and instead eliminated almost all of the cult members in the process. Nevin suspects, but does not know for sure, that the ritual was intended to make him into a vessel for something Other.

    Level One Quests/Threads
    Off the Trail:
    Nevin, a new arrival to Scara Brae, had gotten lost in the woods outside of Stonevale while gathering medicinal herbs. He was happened upon by the Elf, Elthas, who not only was kind enough to show the alchemist the way to the mining village, but also helped him find a smithy to work at temporarily.

    A Bloody Good Time:
    Nevin decided to relax for an evening at one of the local pubs, enjoying the ‘nightlife’ of Stonevale, when a rather different stranger came in. This individual, a Kenku known as Stare, drove Nevin to working on alchemic formulae which would be better suited for an avian-humanoid race, which drew the Kenku’s attention as he was not entirely silent as he worked. This led to Stare coming over to question him, which after a short time and one of Stare’s unique traits, brought one of Nevin’s two big secrets to the fore. He fled the tavern to his shop, telling Stare he would explain about his damaged soul, just not in public.
    Nevin revealed to Stare that he had originally been two people - one a wanderer that he still does not talk much about, the other, a young boy who grew up in a demented cult. A sacrificial ritual was used on the two, merging them together in a terrible, bloody union of blood and soul, years ago. He also revealed to her - feeling a kinship due to her own less than pleasant past - that he was in fact a Blood Mage: leaving her one of the few {and her master} who know of his true talents.
    Spoils: Essence of Soul Sight {Stare’s Blood -Donated}

    Catnip’s an Herb, Right?
    Nevin is managing his shop when a frazzled, strict mother comes in, with her daughter. Both are felinoid humans, or is that humanoid felines? Chaos ensued as the distracted Nevin didn’t realize that a cat-woman who drank catnip would hit a high before a crash - worse, her daughter began to experience a sugar rush. The mother ended up behind his counter, trying to investigate some potions he had on display (blood potions created with his Blood Alchemy though Nevin fights not to admit it to her) and he was trying to get her out from that spot when customers came in - a notorious gossip, who assumed that the two girls were Nevin’s family, spawning a rumor that hangs around him.
    She eventually managed to get him to admit to his magic, and past, after her daughter fell asleep, and the two shared a few drinks as she returned the favor in kind. The alcohol and the crash from the catnip high are affecting her though…

    A Sanguine Start:
    Nevin goes hunting in the woods for blood to use with his magic. His first target ends up a small rabbit, but the situation goes wrong when he meets a strange overgrown lizard trying to melt through a rock with an acidic bile. Nevin is seized by his obssession for new or unique blood, and fights the lizard - being injured in the process, but managing to take it down. He harvests blood from this thing as well, as well as some acid and the lizard’s tough scales - though he has yet to get them worked into an armor.
    Spoils: Essence of Vitality: Low Grade Healing Potion {Rabbit Blood}
    Essence of Acid: Low Grade Combat Potion {Acid-Lizard Blood}
    Weak Acid {Acid Lizard} 3 pints
    Tough Scales {Acid Lizard}

    Ebb and Flow of Economics in Stonevale:
    Nevin is enjoying a peaceful day in Stonevale, reading an alchemic text he found in a second hand shop. The situation spirals upwards as he sees Elthas, meets a strange, white haired individual known as ‘Ezra’ who unsettles the alchemist to a large degree though he cannot place just why, and when ‘Hurricane Elthas’ as Nevin affectionately refers to the Elf offers to pay for food and drinks at the tavern, Nevin also meets a story teller who asks for help with sleep - as his sleep is currently disrupted due to sentient nightmares plaguing him.
    Nevin is pondering this, and making small talk with the other three, when an injured guard is brought into the pub (why, Nevin has no idea), and reveals that a local Goblin clan has begun attacking the mining settlement. Elthas tries to rouse the others to go to the miner’s aid - and Nevin recognizes a poison in the wound as most definitely not locally sourced, so he tells the others to go on without him as he is not a fighter, and instead wants to work on preparing the medicines and antidotes necessary to combat this poison. The attack is repelled and the villagers saved, though Elthas is wounded in the attack and spends three days recovering.

    Level 2
    A Bond Forged in Blood:
    Nevin is distracted as he works one night by loud noises and shouting from outside of his shop. He goes to investigate, and learns that a strange, overly large corvid has escaped from a traveling menagerie, freeing several other animals in the process and causing chaos. While he is watching, the bird homes in on him, claiming to have “Found him!” in words that only he can hear, conveyed by flute-like notes that none other present seem to notice. Nevin learns that this bird is from a race of magical corvids that bond with others through magic - normally staying to themselves, this one’s magic linked with Nevin’s despite considerable intervening distance, prompting her to search for him. The bond has now been formalized through the corvid - whom Nevin is calling either Aphrael or Flute - consuming a special blood potion that Nevin created from his own blood.
    NPC ADD: Aphrael, small eagle sized crow/raven. Non-combat character.

    Nevin does not have good luck with non-humans. Not because of antagonism on either part - in fact, Nevin tends to feel more positively about non-humans than he does about other humans. However, his training in Alchemy did not include making medicines for other races, and this has led to problems in the past (ABGT, CaH,R?) and this makes another appearance here, more potently than before. Nevin is working in his shop when a small child comes in and asks for flea medicine for his ‘mutt friend’. Nevin does not note that the child is not human at first - he is rather distracted by the fact that there is a full-grown dire wolf outside of his store, slobbering on the glass.
    It is when the child mentions that the past Nevin originally recommends for flea bites will likely freeze that he realizes the child is not human - he is in fact, a Frost Fae. The child immediately states he is not an Elf, and is surprised when Nevin does not even think that was the case - unknowing that there is an Elf or two running around in the town. Nevin begins working on medicine that won’t be affected by dropping in temperature, while the child asks about his ‘Nekojin daughter’ - a rumor from when a cat-woman and her daughter came into his shop and customers thought they were his family - while taking a honey candy.
    However, Nevin has been adding a mild numbing agent to the candies - a surprise and mild fun prank on the kids who typically thoroughly enjoy having their mouth feel weird and tingly afterwards. Unfortunately, the numbing agent acts as a hallucinogenic to Snow Fae - and the child, Fenn, had a problem with impulse control and shoveled multiple candies into his mouth while Nevin was distracted by the problem of non-freezing medicine. As the child began experiencing the effects, the alchemist tried to get him to spit them out - only for the child to spitefully swallow the sugary mess, worsening the results on his body. Nevin tried to make an emetic that would help the child purge what he could from his system, but he isn’t sure Fenn will drink it - or that it will work. Thankfully, the solution works, and Nevin is able to help Fenn recover, and deal with the flea infestation.

    A Huntin’ We Shall Go:
    While traveling through Corone, on his way to Raeiria to investigate rumors of a ‘blood forest’, Nevin is knocked out. When he wakens, he is being examined by an unknown man, who apparently recognizes Nevin as a bounty from the ‘tattoos’ running across his skin. As the only people who know about these marks fall on an extremely short list, and none of them would involve themselves with kidnapping the alchemist - he’d help them if they asked - this means someone Nevin doesn’t know about knows Nevin’s past.
    He is carried into a cell and thrown in, the guards having taken his tools and gear. Within the cell is another bounty of theirs, one who has apparently been giving them problems - and they feel that either the other prisoner will kill and eat Nevin, giving them one less mouth to feed, or they will have two bounties to turn in. Either way, a win for them.
    Unfortunately, the other bounty is Nevin’s friend, the Kenku Stare. The two work together to effect an escape - each revealing to the other that their innate powers have grown since last they met.
    Danger waits for them though, as a powerful mage, capable of removing the cuff that connects Stare and her master Vitruvion, is present somewhere within the facility. They will likely have to deal with the mage before they can truly escape their captors - and Nevin wants to find out what information these men have on the person who told them about the blood lines on his skin: the only people outside of his friends who would know, would be a survivor of the blood cult that turned Nevin into who and what he is now. And Nevin is not okay with there being survivors of that despicable group out there.
    The mage was bound to a demon in its service, and Nevin and Stare learned that a mysterious ‘brother’ had targeted Stare, while the cult that had sought Nevin was currently in Radasanth. They killed most of the guards, but during the questioning of the mage, his Demonic benefactor killed him for revealing too much.
    Story hook spoils: Demonic Text, tainted water

    COLOR here
    Into the Woods:
    Nevin journeys into the nearby portion of the Concordia Forest, searching for ingredients to replenish his supplies. Along the way he meets up with Elthas, and the two decide to search the area near the mines for signs of more Goblins, to either confirm the Elf’s fears or lay them to rest.

    Fight School for Beginner’s
    Nevin is approached by the orator, Sketch, who seeks help in getting sleep, as his nights are plagued by sentient nightmares known as the Grym - the same beings that he summons. After creating a concoction that can help, and observing the man over night to ensure there were no adverse effects, Nevin and Sketch journey into the nearby mines, acquiring metals for usage in crafting personal weapons. Spoils: One ingot of Plynt

    Cult of Personality
    Nevin had tracked down the cult into a portion of Radasanth, and was on the hunt for their base in the slums. He manages to find out that they are currently spreading as the Church of the Crimson - and proclaiming him a wandering messiah.
    When he confronts the leader of the church he is shocked to learn that the man is indeed a survivor of the bloody night that saw Nevin leaving the destroyed village. Worse, he seems to bear a twisted form of Nevin’s own blood threads, though his makes Nevin’s magic howl in rage.

    After confronting the preacher, Nevin is disgusted to learn that the man is actually a shell, a host - inside of him is a nauseating creature comprised of Worm-like tendrils, pulsating sacks of hide, filled with blood, and animated by a dark will. Nevin is able to purge it - his threads antithetical to the creatures - and he tries to set the church on a good path before slipping away, vowing to return to check on them.
    Spoils: 4 pieces of Magim Beast Hide, Crimson

    A Potion Made For Two
    A late night visitor to Nevin’s shop turns out to be Ezra, the white-haired woman he met shortly before the goblin attack. The woman seems to be making advances on him, going so far as to begin stripping. Shocked, Nevin is thrown off even worse when he sees that on her skin are alchemical runes, mixed in with others as well that he doesn't recognize.

    A secret is revealed, and the alchemist agrees to have Ezra start working in his shop.

    Through the Eyes of a Child:
    Nevin is alerted to a growing commotion in the streets as people react to something. It isn't sheer terror but a desire to be away, so he goes out to check - and sees a pair of massive animals, one a plow horse, the other strange bovine creature, being ridden by a man and a small girl.
    After some small talk, Nevin leads the two to Yark’s smithy and returns to his own store…

    Bordering on Brokering:
    Nevin caught Fenn trying to sell a stolen potion of his make in Radasanth’s back alleys. The theft doesn't bother him - but trying to sell someone medicine for something they aren't suffering does. Sketch apparently followed Nevin, and has lectured Fenn against stealing, apparently caring about it far more than the alchemist does.

    In Which the Tea Might Be Poisoned
    While exploring a remote stretch of the Concordia Forest, looking for rare herbs and plants, Nevin is pursued by a strange plant monster. He manages to escape into a run down fort that he thought was abandoned - but there is indeed an occupant. Hopefully, she isn't too upset by his intrusion…

    Philomel Fight Club
    Acting on advice from his friend Stare, Nevin is searching for a trainer to help him learn how to fight and to gain experience in doing so. She gave him a cryptic message to pass along - which finally bore fruit, and now he, and tag along Sketch, are temporarily joining the Pirate Captain Philomel’s crew.
    For some reason though, Philomel looks oddly familiar…

    Appears in:
    Of Kith and Kin, Bounding Tankard


    Short cropped dark red hair, eyes with irises that looks black except upon close inspection, which then reveals that they are an extremely dark red except in direct light.

    Wears a dark green hooded cloak, keeping the hood up most of the time. Wears a blood red magim beast hide tunic over a long-sleeved shirt, close fitting gloves, and long trousers. While he will take off the cloak if it gets too hot, he always keeps the long sleeved shirt and gloves. This conceals the blood red sigils and markings on his skin below his neck.

    Nevin’s hair has begun to grow out as he tends to be distracted from maintaining his appearance, and now hangs about his shoulders.
    Wears a chestplate of dark crimson drakescale armor, acquired from bounty hunters who thought it would be a good idea to capture him and Stare.
    new Tunic link;

    Has a decent knowledge of medicinal plants and minerals, and how to make them into healing salves and tonics, as well as how to concoct simple poisons and antidotes. Takes time and resources to make anything.

    Ingrained Sacrifice:
    Due to close personal experience and subsequent study, Nevin can recognize sacrificial blood magics and rituals. This knowledge does not extend to his personal style of blood magic - as his does not involve human sacrifice (except those that leave the donor living) he has to make it up as he goes.

    Magical Aptitude
    In the course of his alchemy, Nevin has been studying magical symbols, as they often show up in recipes in places where a mild infusion of magical power is required to bring out the full power of the recipe, and can now recognize a fair few on sight.

    Minor Smith:
    Nevin has trained as an apprentice smith for some months, giving him a basic (very basic) understanding of the trade. He can make, given time and resources, simple items (Daggers, swords, shields, arrows, nails, horse shoes).

    Blood Alchemy:
    Nevin’s primary ability, the one he discovered how to use first, and the mainstay of several other of his abilities. Nevin takes a portion of blood and refines it through his innate power into an ‘Essence’ potion. These potions capture a quality of the source of the blood and that can either be consumed, or utilized in another aspect of Alchemy to bestow the quality upon another item via a transmutative effect. Potions that have been drunk last only a short time before fading, and items that have been imbued with the quality last for a longer duration, but it is restricted to the item itself.

    Can be used to make: Healing potions, combat potions, transformative potions (at higher levels of power) and Ability Potions when blood is donated. Uses per day: Four

    Examples of possible potions:
    Low Grade potions based off of natural qualities (minor healing/wound restoration, combat potions from poisonous/acidic/venomous animals)

    Special Grade Potions:
    Ability mimic potions (Currently undrinkable)
    These potions, obtainable only from donated blood (or blood won in combat) can grant an ability to the drinker - currently no one can drink them. When used to work an item, grants a low level variant of the ability to the item - at the cost of binding the item to the person the blood came from, so that only they can use it.

    Potion Duration:
    Low Grade Potions last for three posts when drunk.

    Ability Potions last for Four Posts when drunk.

    Item Duration:
    Low grade potions cannot affect items alchemically.

    Special Grade/Ability Potions last for two weeks on an item - but can only be used by someone who's blood is used to bind the weapon.

    Blood Crafting:
    The reason behind his forays into learning smithing. Nevin can take free form blood and temporarily ‘forge’ it into another item. However, this is limited to blood that is within approximately half a foot of him, and he actually has to know how to make the item he is trying to mimic. As such, it is used primarily to create simple tools for his alchemy, or a dagger if his normal weapons are missing, colorhere though he has a advanced enough to make simple weapons and shields.
    Current crafting limits: a maximum of two items at a time, which lose cohesion fifteen meters away from him, which have a limited lifespan of only a few minutes at most - though their innate durability currently rests just above iron equivalents. Uses per day: 4

    Nevin has, through experimentation with some donated blood, learned how to manipulate the blood in his body into accepting Essence Blood that contains a power from another sentient being - something that before was impossible. This only works for Nevin, as another person who tried to imbibe a Sentient Essence, as Nevin calls them, finds their body rejecting the magic. Usable Twice per Combat thread, allows temporary usage of the Ability that is contained in the Essence.

    -Allows Nevin to drink Ability Mimic potions without his body rejecting the Ability. Mimic'd abilities last only a few minutes and are weaker versions of the natural ability of the person. (lasts a few posts, only one Mimic'd ability currently)

    -Any ability gained from consuming a Special Grade/Ability Potion is reduced in strength to at least one level below Nevin's current level.
    -Abilities Consumed can only come from characters two levels above Nevin's - higher than that level difference will cause a violent rejection that heavily injures Nevin.

    Crimson Threads :
    Nevin has learned to summon threads and bands of blood from the ‘veins’ that run all across the surface of his skin. These ‘hungry’ threads come forth from a point he has decided - currently he is most skilled with summoning them from his hands - and depending on his desires, band together into a whip or remain as individual threads. This blood whip is quite clearly forged from blood, and has tearing/adhesive properties (The whip will stick to things and try to tear them free, causing strange wounds if landed on unprotected skin). This quality can be disabled if Nevin is not actively trying to hurt someone. Usable 3 Times a Day. Current approximate strength/length: steel, can extend to six feet long.
    - Thread Boost:
    Nevin’s threads wrap around his body and limbs, reinforcing him and enhancing his speed and strength. Grants 2x normal human speed, strength, and durability, lasts for four posts, can only be used twice per thread.

    Like Calls to Like:
    Wounds dealt by weapons crafted from blood by Nevin (Either via From the Skin or by Blood Crafting) cause excessive bleeding compared to what they should do - as the blood that Nevin uses has a strangely ‘attractive’ quality to it, and pulls more blood out of the wound than should normally come forth.
    -Come To Me The magic of Nevin’s blood lines now pulls loose blood towards him, until it begins to collect by his feet. This blood can be used for Blood Barrage.

    Blood Density:
    Nevin has learned to manipulate the density of blood with his magic, allowing him to condense or expand quantities of blood between states of matter - solid, liquid, gas. This allows him to carry larger quantities of blood on him in the form of solid ‘tablets’, carried in a series of belt pouches.

    Bloody Gift:
    Nevin can sacrifice some of his own life energy to create a ‘dose’ of healing blood. The problem is, this blood must be injected via a thread similar to those created in “From the Skin”, meaning the recipient must be comfortable with a blood needle emerging from Nevin’s skin to dose them.
    Can only be used 3 Times a Day. Maximum Range: 6 Feet
    Cannot be used on Nevin himself.
    Current level of effect: One dose can heal mild to moderate lacerations or abrasions - flesh damage. 2 doses are required for severe flesh wounds, broken bones. 3 doses are required for grievous injuries - using all three doses causes Nevin to pass out if used in rapid succession, as he is sacrificing his own life to heal.

    Blood Barrage:
    Nevin creates a blood ‘ball’ above one hand, using either free standing blood or his own blood. This ball then fragments depending on Nevin’s goal - either many small units, or progressively larger, and fewer, units. In either case, the results are then shot at Nevin’s target/s. These bullets/spikes of blood also possess the quality from ‘Like Calls to Like’, meaning that wounds that are caused by them cause excessive bleeding. Usable 4 Times A Day.
    Using his own blood for this technique rapidly drains Nevin, and each usage without free standing blood of some kind makes him progressively weaker, if he uses his own blood four times Nevin will pass out after the last usage of the ability.


    Primary Weapon:

    Crossbow: Simple wooden crossbow with an iron arm used mostly for hunting. Equivalent draw to a short bow, not capable of piercing armor - though it can dent it. Current bolts: wooden with stone

    Dagger: Short, simple dagger. Six inches of iron, simple bar cross guard and a leather wrapped hilt.

    Quiver: Round container with an open end for holding crossbow quarrels. Can hold twenty bolts.

    Bag: Large traveler’s bag, covered in pockets and straps.

    Mortar and pestle: used in alchemy or cooking, iron pestle and stone mortar. Grinds up plants and minerals.

    Mixing kit: small wooden box holding several spoons, rods, and a few simple knives, as well as measuring and pouring tools.

    Vial box and vials: small iron lockbox with a padded interior, to keep glass vials safe inside. Can hold ten small glass vials (one dose) safely inside. Current count: four empty vials, one vial filled with clear clean water.

    Pans: strapped to the outside of the traveler’s bag are two small pans and a small pot. The small pans have divots in the side for pouring the contents out.

    Drakescale Armor (Tier 3) - A chestplate of drakescale hide, not quite an exact fit but Nevin is slowly developing to fill it out more fully. Covers the front and back of Nevin’s torso, providing moderate protection from attacks to his body.

    Bloody Christmas (I need a better name)
    A whip crafted for Nevin, forged from magim beast hide and Plynt, creating a barbed weapon that will absorb blood from wounds it inflicts. Crimson hide and green metal give it a ghoulishly festive appearance.

    Current Essences:
    Low Grade

    Essence of Acid:
    A capable acid that can dissolve through materials up to a toughness of rock or weak metal (Iron/Below). Not to be drunk, as it is a corrosive blood that will damage whatever it touches until it runs out. Only a few ounces. {3 OZ}

    Essence of Soul Sight:
    Blood donated by Stare. This Essence captured the capability of her eyes to see an individual’s ‘aura’ or ‘soul’. Currently cannot be drunk by anyone but Nevin, as a person’s innate magic will reject magic from another sentient individual. {Circumvented by Nevin via ‘Able-Blooded} This granted ability only lasts for a few minutes at most, and all of the current vial must be consumed to activate it. {One Usage.}

    Associated non combat NPCs:
    A large, intelligent corvid that is roughly half-way between the size of a large raven and an eagle. Glossy black feathers, which change to a dark red (can be confused for rust red) approximately halfway down. Aphrael has an intelligence approximately equal to a young child. Communicates via flute-like notes, which only magically active people can hear. Currently, only Nevin can actually understand her, due to their bond.
    Last edited by Nevin; 10-27-2017 at 07:25 PM.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  2. #2
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
    Level completed: 0%, EXP required for next Level: 0
    Level completed: 0%,
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    Breaker's Avatar


    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    Working on this now, will get back to you soon.

  3. #3
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
    Level completed: 0%, EXP required for next Level: 0
    Level completed: 0%,
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    Breaker's Avatar


    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    Just as a note, please make sure that all changes and additions are made in the appropriate color. For example "Thread Boost" is a new ability and should have been in red. I noticed it, so no harm done. Coincidentally, the only modification I'm going to request comes from thread boost as well. Rather than saying it doubles his attributes, please say that it buffs them to 2x that of a normal human. We try to avoid multiplier abilities because they can cause a number of headaches down the line.

    After that, this should be good to go.

  4. #4
    Senior Member

    EXP: 61,139, Level: 10
    Level completed: 65%, EXP required for next Level: 3,861
    Level completed: 65%,
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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    Apologies, I thought I had color coded everything! Edit made!
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  5. #5
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
    Level completed: 0%, EXP required for next Level: 0
    Level completed: 0%,
    EXP required for next Level: 0

    Breaker's Avatar


    Joshua Breaker Cronen

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