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  1. #4

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    A small pop in the air occured then, cutting off the last few words of Joshua's speech. There was a faint white-blue light, and out from the ether appeared a strange figure, dressed in a dull silver grey. She landed on two clawed feet spread wide apart between trees and fire and as she did she let out a mighty gasp.

    And doubled over, wheezing.

    "Oh sorry," she waved a hand at Joshua, just seeing the pose that everyone was in. Shocked, amazed, eyes glued to a man who had strode through iron gates of the massive castle up on the hill. "I interrupt-"

    She suddenly retched then, throwing up air and nothing else. Still, however, it sounded awful, the noise making worms wriggle away in fear and birds angrily caw back at her. Being half bird herself, with the long pointed beak, sable feathers and scaly bent legs of a raven, she looked back at them and coughed back a similar noise.

    "Oh fecking ... Stupid demonic country," she cursed. "Ruins everything to do with celestial magic ..." She ground the sides of her beak together and attempted to readjust her half helmet and chainmail hauberk back to a neat presentation - as the last of her chokes wrecked her body.

    After three more she seemed to be done, and she stood, the blue-white light that had appeared with her coming now a distant memory. Straightening she eyed the man who had been speaking with an apologetic look in her eye, before starting to look around the campfire.

    "Sorry Mr ... Erm I missed your name. Call me Stare, that is fine, I-"
    She stopped when she realised who she was looking at. Right in front of her this entire time, simply waiting around the campfire for her to recognise him.

    The again non-bald Nevin. Alchemist extraordinaire and her dear friend. Someone who her employer, and teleporter, Sir Vitruvion Elssmith, had mixed feelings about, whom neither her nor he had expected to be here.

    "Nev!" She said, rather surprised. "Hi!"

    And her eyes danced with joy as she settled down onto an easy log and presumed to join the others.
    Last edited by Philomel; 10-30-2017 at 07:28 PM.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

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