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  1. #1

    EXP: 28,286, Level: 7
    Level completed: 17%, EXP required for next Level: 6,714
    Level completed: 17%,
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    Nekoprincess's Avatar


    Rainee Azure Miyami
    Back in the halls of Grace Manor a mink haired woman in her early twenties was waving good-bye to the cloaked cat-girl, all the while trying to control the small kitten from scampering to join her mother. A warm light was pouring from the half opened door, as Mylie's little voice was whining plaintively "Please mommy! Let me come! I love adventure! I won't cause any problems! I swear and I won't let any ghost or demon kidnap me this time! Let me come mommy please!" her chocolate brown eyes sparkled hopefully, her little paws clasped in prayer as she gave her mother the cutest expression ever, hoping it'd be enough for now cautious mother to let her tag along.

    "No darling!" Rainee said firmly, a frown on her normally loving heart-shaped face. She wagged a finger at her daughter from beneath her cloak saying even more sternly "Don't you dare try to follow me sweetie! You do and NO SWEETS FOR TWO MONTHS!I know how much you love your little treats, so stay and be a good little girl for Mitsuki ok?"

    Mylie let out a meow of despair, her clasped together paws lowering to her sides in defeat. Her little chocolate orbs welled with tears as she begin to sob in angst. Running back into the manor, Mylie's tear-filled voice sobbed angrily "I hope a ghost gets your mommy! Your not fair!" she then disappeared back into the luxary that was her home, her sobs carrying all the way out into the dark night air.

    Mistsuki sighs softly, running a hand through her thick black locks, she says softly 'She'll be fine Miss Rainee. You know she's just deeply miffed that she can't tag along to help you in your are all she has, after all!"

    Rainee gave Mistuki a soft smile as she says sweetly "Just keep her safe Mistuki, I know she's hurt now, but in the end she'll be grateful she didn't come. I hear this castle is haunted, by either a ghost or demon...and I don't want her involved in that trouble anymore.

    "I understand Miss Rainee, now go, you should leave before it gets any darker!" the mink haired healer ordered softly, before she shut the door of Grace Manor firmly, leaving Rainee to go off onto her demon-hunting adventure.

    "God damn it!" Rainee growled in frustration, as she pulled her cloak tighter against the chill night air. Ever since she had entered this area, she had noticed how dark, desolate and forbidden it was. It reeked of death and decay, plus the healer recognized the sure signs that something evil roamed across these lands. She could feel it, almost smell it in the dank, stale air. The soil she walked on even looked dry, like the moisture that it normally would hold had been drained out of it.

    Shaking her head, the small cat-girl walked carefully across the dirty path that led to the castle she had heard about. Her small cloaked frame looked up to stare at it. It looked menacing, almost monstrous with its tall stone towers and dark windows that looked almost as if it was clearly haunted or possessed. Shaking her head, another lonely meow escapes from the nekojin's lips, before her silver eyes spot a glow nearby the desolate castle. Her tail begins to wag happily as she thinks People! Company, I won't have to journey into that hellhole alone!

    Her tail begins to twitch faster as she jogged happily towards what she saw now was a roaring campfire, the orange glow and warmth a welcome change from the frigid winds and icy cold that had been enveloping her small frame the whole trek here. Moving to warm her hands, her eyes fell on the company around her, she could see an avian woman, she smiles inclining her head politely at the crow woman, she also saw an imposing warrior, a being almost boasting of his strength in battle. She studied another small person, a woman? Or a man she wasn't sure, but she could feel magic radiating from the small figure, her eyes then saw another man, she had no idea who he was but she politely nodded her head at him. She also saw a masked plant-lady, with another woman at her side, her head tilted curiously, her cloak slipping to reveal her cat-ears which twitched in curiosity. She was dying to ask the plant-lady who she was, because she looked interesting to the always curious nekojin, but then saw the crimson hair, the polite smile and her eyes widened in surprise, her voice echoing that shock as she murmurs "Nevin? Oh my! What are you doing at a place like this? This is a long way from your alchemy shop!"
    Last edited by Nekoprincess; 11-01-2017 at 07:40 PM.

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