The countryside around the broken castle was ruined, desolate. What vegetation tried to grow there only came forth as twisted, stunted mockeries of what they should be, dying off and withering into desiccated husks within days. The very soil itself seemed grey and dead, lying as lifeless as the stones that were embedded in it. The animals that survived here were one and all scavengers, emaciated caricatures of healthy creatures that they once were.

Not even the sky was safe from the depressing atmosphere. There was no clear sky, no bright sun, or dark starlit sky. Instead there were dark grey clouds that hung over everything, stretching as far as the eye could see. No light seemed to pierce through the cloud cover - but at the same time, it also never seemed to get darker, locking the land in a gloomy monotone.

The air itself was thick with ash or dust, it was hard to tell which. Visibility was poor, and carrying a torch only let one see about fifty feet out. Beyond that, grey shadows stretched into the thick atmosphere, until finally one could see no farther.

The only thing that rose up to break the monotony of the landscape was the destination of many travelers now - brave souls, wary souls, Adventurers, and wanderers alike. A large imposing castle stood silhouetted against the sky, the upper reaches of the keep piercing through the clouds and disappearing from sight. Outwardly, it looked like it had seen better days - the outer wall had been reduced to rubble, the stones all across the outside showed signs of fire and other damage.

Strangely, the large doors that server as entrance to the castle stood, proud and intact, strong wood coated in a burgundy enamel with gold filigree designs across it. The designs seemed to shift as someone looked at it, and no two people saw the same design - in fact, people rarely saw the same design twice.

It was this castle that was Nevin’s destination. He had heard rumors that somewhere here, deep in the grey dead region of Tular, someone or something was taking blood from people. So he had come, fearing another, darker branch of the Church of Crimson had sprung up here, hidden in seclusion. One hand rested on his whip as he adjusted the thick scarf he was using to block out the choking air, making it was secure around his face.

His dark eyes scanned the horizon, trying to pierce the gloom. The alchemist had set up a temporary camp a distance from the ruined gates of the castle, and had laboriously gathered and stoked a large bonfire. He hoped to draw other travelers together before venturing into the castle itself - but he was also on guard, praying that he didn't draw unwanted attention. Only time would tell.

Hey y’all, this is open! Trying to get a thing going for the October event! If you join this thread I hope you're willing to write some solo stuff - warning now that we’re going to get split up. I also hope you're willing to help take down the villainous fiend who has made his home here!