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  1. #1

    EXP: 5,029, Level: 3
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    ArcanaFate's Avatar


    Ezoreth "Ezra" Vrall
    Ezra listened calmly to Nevin's explanation of the candy and the negative effects that it had had on the little fae. They watched as Nevin placed one of the candies in his mouth, and instinctively raised their hand to slap it out of his mouth. If it had been near fatal for Fenn, why would the alchemist eat the candy that nearly killed the Fae? Their hand faltered as they realized his words a little more carefully. It was poisonous to Fae, but he said nothing about humans. So maybe the candy was fine? The homunculi reached over as far as they could, grabbing one of the other candies from the container. The wrapper was a faded pink in color, and they could only stare at it for the longest time before slowly unwrapping the confection and placing it into their mouth.


    Far too sweet.

    With a noise of disgust, the homunculus spit the candy out of their mouth as quickly as possible, the orb speeding into the counter and bouncing a few times before coming to rest near the edge by Fenn.

    "That was far too sweet. It tasted like pure sugar with some sort of berry juice. Strawberry, perhaps? And people actually like to ingest said treats?" Ezra asked finally, staring at the candy with disdain. "People are quite strange."

    They turned to Fenn, whose message they had caught glimpses of in between their bout with the candy. "Of course I will feed you, Fenn. You would be my guest, so of course food would be provided. And why do I want you?" They blinked, looking between Nevin and Fenn for a long moment. Honesty was important, and lying was something that wasn't good. They weren't sure why, but the idea of lies in general often left them with a sick feeling in their stomach. Not telling the whole truth was an entirely different matter, but actual lies were bad. But do they mention the vision? That deep down, the idea of taking care of a child was something they were drawn to? Ezoreth had no heirs to speak of, so where was this feeling of parental instinct coming from? Did it have something to do with that vision they saw of the infant? Was that a sign?

    Ezra realized that they had remained motionless and quiet for far too long, then looked down at Fenn. "To be honest, Fenn, it is... complicated. I suppose the easiest explanation I could give you is that I believe a child deserves a roof over their head and to be assisted to survive in a world where the darkness is lurking around every corner. I have seen less than desirable things on my travels and the idea of a child travelling alone, regardless of your fae abilities, concerns me about your well-being. But, I would also like to learn more about you and your kind, as I have yet to meet a faerie until this point. So would you be so kind as to listen to my inqueries?"

    They turned to Nevin. "And, Sir Nevin, why would you put a numbing agent in the candy? Was it to dilute the overly sweet flavor of said candy? Because it is far too sweet."
    Briarheart: Quick, become a disciplinomancer and Groundaga him

    (13:48:58) Nevin: Ezra can be whatever you need them to be
    (13:49:07) Nevin: Ezra doesn't judge.
    (13:49:18) ArcanaFate: Swiss army wife, basically.

  2. #2
    Senior Member

    EXP: 61,139, Level: 10
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    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    Nevin stared at Ezra for thirty seconds, his eyes wide, before he began chuckling loudly. This dissolved into him leaning on the counter as he laughed, and it took him almost a minute before he had calmed down enough to actually think straight and breathe deep enough to speak. He had taste tested all of his candies so he had never thought of how sweet they were - and as far as he knew, he was the only adult that had tried one. Well at least until now.

    "Ezra, they're meant as treats for children. If anything, the village kids would like me to make them sweeter. The one you had was strawberry, I would suggest going for one of the yellow or purple wrapped ones next time, they are honey or grape, in order. And no, the numbing agent is to entertain the kids by making their mouth feel strange. Ahem." He pointed at the two baskets that sat on the counter.

    "The basket Ezra and I just took candies from do not contain the numbing agent that affected you, Fenn. The other basket does contain it. Ezra, I didn't notice a difference between the two in terms of flavor, but I also don't think of the candies as overly sweet in either case, so my judgment in that regard may be skewed." With that he stepped back and let the two speak as he considered Ezra from behind.

    The Homunculus could taste. Could actually taste, and wasn't just mimicking what they saw people do. If that had been the case, they wouldn't have thought of the candies as anything other than palatable - because he hadn't acted any other way, and neither had the children the construct would have seen eating one of the candies. That was astounding, regular Homunculi could not do that, they merely acted as they saw others do or as they were instructed to. It must be a result of the other school of magic involved in Ezra's creation - it seemed to have made her more real, more alive, than should have been possible.

    The mysteries about his apprentice just deepened with the more he watched her.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  3. #3
    Sweet Cinnamoth

    EXP: 37,766, Level: 8
    Level completed: 31%, EXP required for next Level: 6,234
    Level completed: 31%,
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    FennWenn's Avatar


    Fennik Glenwey
    Looks eight. He's definitely older.
    Frost Fae
    More or less male.

    View Profile
    Fenn was halfway tempted to lick the candy that had come to a bouncing stop before him, especially after Nevin clarified that it wasn’t a danger to him. He tentatively tapped it with a finger. Its sticky mess froze to the counter. The only thing that really stopped him from giving it a taste was that it was strawberry, when honey was obviously the superior choice. Thus, he ignored the strawberry-gob and reached for some (non-hallucinogenic) honey candies to munch for himself. They were swiftly unwrapped -- wrappers stashed in his bag -- and crammed into his mouth. Ezra was given a slightly bewildered look, and one of the honey-candies was pressed into their palm by insistent, frigid fingers. They had to try it; it was for their own good.

    Who on Althanas didn’t like sugar? Concentrated sugar was the best. Failing that, they had to like honey. This could not be questioned.

    Meanwhile, Ezra's reasons for wanting to take him in reeled through his mind. Psssh. Child. Psssh, in need of protection. He had plenty of parental surrogates in the past, and none of them had ever quashed his knack for getting himself into binds.

    Come to think of it, how many had he gone through by now?

    The puck noted them on the tips of his fingers. Zero. Raster, deaddad. One. Daugi, wolf-mom-friend. Two. Vincent..? Hadn’t talked to in a while. Nix for now. Two for real. Banrion, snake-y fae… grandma? She seemed far too old to be a mere parent. The boy puckered his lips into a frown. It was probably best to stop counting there. When one ends up as old a child as Fenn happened to be, one would naturally accumulate a lot of parental figures along the way. Was... “child” even the right word? Banri used it, and he kind of assumed that she was an authority on what fae were actually supposed to be like, but ironsting if he was going to accept that conclusion.

    Wow, these candies were delicious. Maybe Nevin would let him have them for free. Y’know, after the last batch had almost maybe killed him. It made wonderful sense -- free was an acceptable price for any good.


    A pointed look was given to Nevin. It was the sort of look that said, “I know you have secrets”.

    "I'm funny, so they let me live." - Skippy's List

    The Wiki Matriarch, the Vignette Enthusiast, your friendly neighborhood Cinnamon Smol, and very excited to roleplay!

    I play this rude little bug! Spell his name F E N N I K. No "c".

  4. #4

    EXP: 5,029, Level: 3
    Level completed: 1%, EXP required for next Level: 3,971
    Level completed: 1%,
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    ArcanaFate's Avatar


    Ezoreth "Ezra" Vrall

    Ezra had remained quiet between Nevin's explanation of the two batches of candies and Fenn's agreement to reside with them while the alchemist worked. It was rather exciting that the fae child had agreed to stay close as well as answer the questions they had. It was not often such a unique source of information wandered into town, and most of the readings that the homunculus could remember had very little in regards to the fae. Most said to never take a deal with a fae if offered, but they were inclined to being pried with gifts for good fortune. They were shrewd negotiators, but also followed through with promises of their own and would repay kindnesses given in some form. Although the readings hadn't been clear on the different types of fae, only mentioning the two courts of Summer and Winter. The differences between the courts would provide fascinating data, even if it was a minor difference of the culture in the courts.

    "Fenn, I am quite sure any answers you give me will be more than satisfactory. We can discuss any knowledge you have over supper this evening. Is there something you would prefer for your meal tonight? And of course, Nevin, you are invited for supper as well." Ezra said with a small smile, but glanced over at the gold colored candies sitting in the container. The strawberry flavoring had been rather unpleasant, but if the little fae was recommending it would be good for them, who were they to refuse? Carefully reaching over, they pulled one of the confections out of the jar and pulled the wrapper apart. Staring at the little gold candy for a few moments, they dropped the gold orb into their mouth to compare the taste.

    They blinked in surprise as a smile formed; but not one of their unusual and off-putting shows of emotion. Their face was relaxed and Ezra almost seemed in a tranquil trance for a moment before looking to Nevin.

    "Thish. Thish ish much better tashting than the other one." The homunculus nodded, still enjoying the sweet candy in their mouth. "Almosht remindsh me of my old home."
    Briarheart: Quick, become a disciplinomancer and Groundaga him

    (13:48:58) Nevin: Ezra can be whatever you need them to be
    (13:49:07) Nevin: Ezra doesn't judge.
    (13:49:18) ArcanaFate: Swiss army wife, basically.

  5. #5
    Senior Member

    EXP: 61,139, Level: 10
    Level completed: 65%, EXP required for next Level: 3,861
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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    "Ah - I'm not sure I'd be safe from Nan if I joined you." Nevin's tone was light and amused as he leaned back, folding his arms across his chest as he watched the two of them. It was good to see Ezra interacting with Fenn. It was also interesting for him to note that their interactions with the small blonde were more...natural than most tended to be. For some reason, being motherly to the small Fae was sitting right with his apprentice, more than most things did. Another piece of the puzzle that was Ezra, they were almost instinctively motherly. The information was tucked away for consideration - he would think about what this portended at a later date. When he wasn't being threatened with dinner with his apprentice and their house-mother - Nan was entirely too forward, and had approached him a few times away from Ezra about 'when he was going to make an honest woman out of her'. No, no thank you. He laughed under his breath as Ezra took the candy from Fenn's hand.

    This was probably going to go the same way the strawberry treat had. Aside from the natural source, he hadn't changed anything in the recipe for the different flavors so there were the same amounts of sugars and other chemicals in the two. He was already preparing to catch the candy when - a look of quiet contentment came over Ezra's face, tense muscles slacking a bit as their eyes drooped slightly. Nevin's jaw tensed up, to prevent it from dropping, as he stared with wide eyes at this. That... should not be the case. Why was...? He frowned slightly before wiping the expression of confusion away as Ezra slowly looked in his direction. When they spoke, there was a quiet....and distinct something, to their words that wasn't normally there.

    "Well. You're always welcome to help yourself to one or two throughout the day my dear. And I'll teach you how to make them - so you can make them for yourself and your new...houseguest." He grinned and tilted his head towards the blonde Fae. "I'll warn you now, they do happen to be his favorite. I'd suggest having him collect the ingredients when he wants some. Else you're likely to always be working over the pot to make more for him." His tone was teasing as he winked at Fenn.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  6. #6
    Sweet Cinnamoth

    EXP: 37,766, Level: 8
    Level completed: 31%, EXP required for next Level: 6,234
    Level completed: 31%,
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    FennWenn's Avatar


    Fennik Glenwey
    Looks eight. He's definitely older.
    Frost Fae
    More or less male.

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    The fae lit up upon seeing Ezra happy-looking over the honey candy. Squeak. He wasn’t quite sure why they seemed blissed out on the honey candy, but he decided that it was probably just because honey was the most delicious thing there could be. It didn’t need the pretty-colors ingredient to be awesome.

    He also stuck his tongue out at Nev for the teasing. The alchemist was probably right, though; any source of deliciousness was going to be milked for all it was worth.

    More cheerful than before, Fenn laid down a new patch of frost on the counter. AGREE THEN. NEV MAKE POISON, WILL PICK UP. STAY WITH HUMAN-NOT-HUMAN NICE EZRA IN MEANWHILE. Between lines, he picked up a handful of candy and slipped it into his satchel for later. HONEY AND OATMEAL IS GOOD FOR MEAL. BEST MEAL.

    A list of things to do in town to keep himself entertained while he was stuck here reeled through the boy’s head. Hear rumors, spread rumors, Glamour himself as Nevin, Glamour himself as spooky things, Glamour himself as famous people, see how much free stuff he could weasel out of the general populace by being cute, see how much he could steal without getting too many feathers ruffled, accompany Daugi on a hunt, learn more about Nevin, learn more about Ezra.

    In short, test the limits of patience and common decency in this area. That ought to be enough to do for a few days.

    Or he could do other, slightly less crazy things. Maybe. That didn’t sound as good though. Patience was not Fenn’s most prominent virtue, and his lack of it was going to manifest itself splendidly at any significant waiting period.


    One of the main principles of thieving was that of distraction. While one hand wrote words, the other did it’s own thing. Stealthily, Fenn reached over to take a singular one of the color-making-ingredient candies, and popped it in his mouth. He had learned from the few left over in his satchel from the last incident in Nevin’s shop that they weren’t too bad if you only had one at a time. Making the world a tinsy bit more colorful-swirly never seemed to hurt anything!

    He wasn’t sure the other two would approve though.
    "I'm funny, so they let me live." - Skippy's List

    The Wiki Matriarch, the Vignette Enthusiast, your friendly neighborhood Cinnamon Smol, and very excited to roleplay!

    I play this rude little bug! Spell his name F E N N I K. No "c".

  7. #7

    EXP: 5,029, Level: 3
    Level completed: 1%, EXP required for next Level: 3,971
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    ArcanaFate's Avatar


    Ezoreth "Ezra" Vrall
    "Nonsense, Nevin. In a combat capacity, I am quite certain I could defeat Nan in combat. She is not even dangerous, so you will be most safe while you have dinner with us."

    Ezra gave a few nods of confirmation before looking back at the small fae. He had wanted oatmeal and honey for his meals? That was somewhat surprising, as the homunculus figured that the young one would have a craving for more fruits or vegetables as a fairy. Perhaps that was just a stereotype from simple folks who didn't know any better? They shifted slightly, eyeing the puck with a curious gaze before looking back to Nevin once more. Not only was the alchemist going to teach them about alchemy, they were going to learn about making candy? What a curious turn of events. Ezoreth would likely be chiding himself if he was continuously getting distracted by such 'frivolous' activities instead of focusing on his tome.

    Yet, the homunculus was alright with that.

    They weren't learning as quickly, true, but they were adapting to society once more. They were immortal, in theory, so the education process would go on as long as it needed to. They could wander the world and learn from everyone and anyone, and truly become the perfect magus. Ezra blinked, looking almost stunned in revelation. Perhaps that immortality was Ezoreth's goal all along? Learn to live forever and continue to research and study and simply know everything about magic? It was a rather ideal dream, but perhaps it could be achieved! Now that the homunculus had understood their purpose, the research could move on ten-fold! Although, was that actually the plan? There might have been another idea Ezoreth was looking into, but that could wait. For now, gathering as much information from Nevin and possibly even Fenn would be the start.

    "Fenn, the town is a small mining town. You would do well to make sure things do not become too interesting. There is an old saying about curiosity killing the cat, you know." They had barely read what the fae had written prior, but the fact he was looking to find something 'interesting' in the town did not bode well for others. Ezra had met people like that once upon a time, and it had not been the most pleasant experience. There had been enough trouble with the recent goblin attack; the homunculus had no intention of having more trouble and distracting from their research. With a small huff, they placed another of the honey candies into their mouth and ate it.
    Briarheart: Quick, become a disciplinomancer and Groundaga him

    (13:48:58) Nevin: Ezra can be whatever you need them to be
    (13:49:07) Nevin: Ezra doesn't judge.
    (13:49:18) ArcanaFate: Swiss army wife, basically.

  8. #8
    Senior Member

    EXP: 61,139, Level: 10
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    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
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    "Alright, alright, off you two go.
    Fenn, I'll be making your product and bringing it to Nan's house in the next few days - it might take me some time to gather all the ingredients you asked for, and test to make sure that it is actually effective. We can discuss payment when I actually have made it - I won't charge for something I haven't created yet. Now, shoo you two."
    The redhead stepped out from behind his counter as he shook his head with a smile on his face. Ezra had missed the point of his comment about not being safe at Nan's, but then again he couldn't exactly blame the Homunculus for not understanding - with only a loose understanding of their own emotions, they would probably be confused if Nan was trying to force them into a relationship.

    At least with Fenn around, there would be someone else for the old lady to focus her attention on. He waited until the other two had left to go back and double check the list that he had made while they were talking about what Fenn wanted the poison to do - it was certainly something within his capabilities, and he was only missing a few of the ingredients necessary to make it. Tonight then, he would head out into the woods to gather what he needed.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  9. #9
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
    Level completed: 0%, EXP required for next Level: 0
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    Breaker's Avatar


    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    Thread Title: On Customer Service
    Judgment Type: No Judgment

    Nevin receives 1170 EXP and 110 GP!

    ArcanaFate receives 880 EXP and 110 GP!

    FennWenn receives 821 EXP and 77 GP!


  10. #10
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
    Level completed: 0%, EXP required for next Level: 0
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    Joshua Breaker Cronen
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