"Nonsense, Nevin. In a combat capacity, I am quite certain I could defeat Nan in combat. She is not even dangerous, so you will be most safe while you have dinner with us."

Ezra gave a few nods of confirmation before looking back at the small fae. He had wanted oatmeal and honey for his meals? That was somewhat surprising, as the homunculus figured that the young one would have a craving for more fruits or vegetables as a fairy. Perhaps that was just a stereotype from simple folks who didn't know any better? They shifted slightly, eyeing the puck with a curious gaze before looking back to Nevin once more. Not only was the alchemist going to teach them about alchemy, they were going to learn about making candy? What a curious turn of events. Ezoreth would likely be chiding himself if he was continuously getting distracted by such 'frivolous' activities instead of focusing on his tome.

Yet, the homunculus was alright with that.

They weren't learning as quickly, true, but they were adapting to society once more. They were immortal, in theory, so the education process would go on as long as it needed to. They could wander the world and learn from everyone and anyone, and truly become the perfect magus. Ezra blinked, looking almost stunned in revelation. Perhaps that immortality was Ezoreth's goal all along? Learn to live forever and continue to research and study and simply know everything about magic? It was a rather ideal dream, but perhaps it could be achieved! Now that the homunculus had understood their purpose, the research could move on ten-fold! Although, was that actually the plan? There might have been another idea Ezoreth was looking into, but that could wait. For now, gathering as much information from Nevin and possibly even Fenn would be the start.

"Fenn, the town is a small mining town. You would do well to make sure things do not become too interesting. There is an old saying about curiosity killing the cat, you know." They had barely read what the fae had written prior, but the fact he was looking to find something 'interesting' in the town did not bode well for others. Ezra had met people like that once upon a time, and it had not been the most pleasant experience. There had been enough trouble with the recent goblin attack; the homunculus had no intention of having more trouble and distracting from their research. With a small huff, they placed another of the honey candies into their mouth and ate it.