Nevin was extremely grateful that the miner, a man named Eustace, had come in when he did. This gave him a chance to try to figure out how to respond to Ezra's question. Cobalt, it was enough that he had the necessary amount of nutrients, right? It wasn't his fault that when he tried to do anything related to cooking beyond juicing things that everything ended up on fire, or just ruined. His nutrient potions got him through the meals where he couldn't get to the local tavern to get a decent meal, and that suited him just fine.

He doubted the construct would agree though, with the way she had shot him a glare before focusing on Eustace. The man was an older miner, one who apparently operated best in dark conditions, and in the well lit interior of the shop he actually had trouble seeing. He asked the white-haired girl where the Miner's Delight potion was, as his lungs had begun acting up a bit again, and Nevin watched as Ezra gently guided the man over to where the potion rested on the shelves.

A gentle, firm hold on his shoulder, and Nevin frowned as he tried to place where he had seen similar mannerisms. He had to twist a laugh into a cough and drank some of his tea, which was now almost empty, and waved the other two off when they looked in his direction. Ezra was acting like a farmer trying to guide a willing calf to water, firmly leading it where it needed to go. The two came back over to the counter and Eustace grumped about unnecessary changes sometimes being alright, then paid and left.

As he left a small child came in, rushing up to the counter with bright eyes and a bounce in her step. She smiled big and bright up at Nevin and Ezra, showing that two of her teeth had fallen out recently. She put a few coins down on the counter and asked politely for a few strawberry candies for herself and a grape one for her brother. Nevin leaned back, content to let Ezra handle this as he tried to figure out how to answer her without lying.