He took her hand and she smiled, a warm, inviting one that was full of good things and promises. There they were again, faun and human of another world, setting out to conquer their foes. Her heart beat heavily, excitement coming into her because of the fact that the was flesh to flesh with this, he who had disappeared from her twice, and was a true wonder to her. Possible father to a baby about to be born, somewhere, far over the sea.

No. Do not think of that.

Softly, she called out with her mind. It took a minute and a half for the small white paws of Veridian to come scampering across the grassy verge to them. His eyes were bright and he had his tongue lolling out like a dog's. His stance made her laugh, and the merry sound continued as she stepped into the long dark tunnel ahead of them. Not saying anything or giving any direction she watched as Veridian leapt ahead, his body growing as it did. Used to such a thing, she just smiled as he became five times as big a fox as he had been, shoulders coming to meet her waist. Still, her hand kept tight around Shinsou and the two of them followed Veridian as he burst into flame - glorious flame and beauty. Truly magnificent, Veridian was a lamp in the darkness that had been created by a dragon.

Quickly, they went, Veridian's fiery fur lighting the way. They went as silently as they could, becoming more quiet the further they went. Dirt was around them, rocks jutting from the sides, and once or twice Philomel had to duck for Delath had clearly not eaten enough. He could also secure the tunnel behind him, as was his habit, but this time he had just pushed the earth all the sides, with back and forefeet. They went on for some long minutes. As natural light began to appear at the end, Philomel finally let go of Shinsou's hand, instead replacing it with a white sword, sucking in her breath and preparing for battle.

What was going to await them at the end of it, she wondered. A thousand warriors, armed for war? Crossbowmen, who had found the mouth of the tunnel and were already preparing to pepper them as soon as they took one hoofstep into fresh air? Or a dead Delath, killed as the noise of his tremendous eating had alerted the guards to his arrival and had died in vain without ever able to send a message to his dear mistress ...?

No, the last was stupid. She could feel Delath's strong presence, breathing low as he hid in amongst the treeline of the wood he had come up against. And - it was nighttime. Only stars and the bright orb of the moon could be noticed. It was unlikely that anyone had found the tunnel entrance, hidden as it was in this dark. Veridian hushed out his light as the three of them came to the surface, the patient form of Delath sitting and breathing there excitedly.

Anything? Philomel asked, as she pushed her way out.

The dragon shook his head and deeply grunted into her mind, Nothing. Not a single peep.

Philomel paused before looking to Shinsou. She gestured at her head quickly, then pushed outwards with her mind, inviting him, through the magic of an earring, to come into the mental communion that her, Veridian and Delath shared.

Delath says he has not seen or heard anyone, Shinsou. How do you want to proceed?