Radasanth lay before them, the hapazard, accumulated streets sprawled like some child's idealistic vision of a town, but made so with their toy building blocks of many various sizes and colours. Recently the city had been having troubles of power struggles within the militia, Philomel had heard as such for her brothels were also often (and sometimes accidentally) centres of information gathering. However her brothels existed in the times when others would not, and her hardy women strove past the apparent claimants to various powers. They lived to serve, or so they said. The real truth was others lived to serve them with given them control, but that was a whole other theory of society.

At the very least, if it came to it, her women all new how to fight. And her ship lay in rest just a couple of miles up the coast in a harbour town. If all else failed they knew their plan of action were Corone ever to be faced with all out war. For this time there was little to do but wait out the rumoured power struggle and do what they needed to do to survive.

And succeed.

It was yet another reason for Philomel to make a visitation here, but not their main one. Instead she was hunting for a man ... the man, who was cantering right towards them down the dim-lit, back street. Towards her, Veridian and -


He skidded to a halt, his claws raking along the ground. All thirty feet of him curled and tensed, trying to slow down his race of attack. They were just on the very outskirts of town, where the first street had just been behind them and beyond that the sprawling of the countryside. Philomel's eyes lit up and she ground herself in, sliding one arm around Veridian as she began to hectically unbuckle her legs.

Whilst Delath was still grinding to a halt and letting out a huff of air.

They came within five feet of the man and his horse. Delath stood there, still and motionless for a second before he glared right at the gorgeous stallion, Slepnir. The fauns eyes were not for him, however, they were for the human, the beloved human, oh nine hells ...


She leapt off the back of her dragon, taking Veridian with her. He protested, hissing until she dropped him and began running. Her eyes alive, the smile plain on her face she pushed her hooves for all the energy they were worth.

Oh my Drys.

She threw her arms around him and pulled him into the tightest, most enjoyous embrace.

"Shinsou," she exclaimed, "You are-"

"Mother ..."

Philomel dropped an arm, looking back at Delath, where his growling voice had come from. His great grass green eyes were looking cautiously at a window, where a wide eyed child was staring at the giant wyrm there, in his street.

The faun paused and stepped away from the man she had presumed dead ... Again. God's forget the question of that week, this mattered more.

"Darling, you should go," she looked to the reptilian beast. "We'll call you if we need you."

"I come if think need me," the mountain of a creature huffed but he nodded. His eyes pierced from Philomel to Shinsou, and then swing away. Soon he was stalking back down the street, a great being who had been in these quiet hours, and would go with as much silence as he could.

Slowly, Philomel paused before turning and lifting her eyes back up to one of the rare people who she could see herself living harmoniously with.

"We should get out of sight," she spoke quiet, "Come, one of my establishments is this way." She began walking, then paused and addressed the mild amusement on Shinsou's face. "And yes, Delath does talk now."