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  1. #10
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    The first reaction of Shinsou’s was to gently brush Philomel off, for the man he was known to be harboured some sort of strange social embarrassment about public affection, but that first reaction was quickly overtaken by another. For the first time in so long, Shinsou was not alone. For the first time in what felt like forever, another person cared about his well being. How long had it been since someone had held him out of more than sexual gratification, or wanting to kill him?

    In that moment, his anger, his troubles and his mission crumbled away, and nothing else mattered. Philomel was here. Even the irony that the one person who made him feel this way was the faun he had so often paid to lay with him was lost on the Telgradian. Though the embrace was tight, it was short. To Shinsou, it felt like a year, and as he released he barely found the right words before the faun's mind was already set on business.

    Heh. Fucking hell Phi, at least give me a moment to get my head around this. You appear out of nowhere, then Delath's all of a sudden talking and now I don't really know what to say.

    "We have a lot to talk about..." Shinsou finally managed through pursed lips, not really knowing where to start, "...but I don't think I've ever been so happy to see you. Let's go; I'll fill you in when we get there."

    A devilish smile spread across her face as Shinsou realized the inuendo.

    "Not like that."

    Half an hour later, drenched and a bit tired, The Telgradian and the Faun had arrived at one of the Gilded Lily's many establishments, the name of which Shinsou had missed on the way in. With a series of nods and bows, Philomel's girls allowed them further and further into the intestines of the building, until after climbing a staircase and passing what appeared to be yet another security check they arrived at a room that was clearly intended to be the Faun's personal quarters. It was here that Veridian, the spirit fox that followed Philomel everywhere she went, exchanged a few psychic words with his master, shot Shinsou a knowing look and disappeared into an adjacent room.

    Following his host, Shinsou paced, his dress shoes clicking on the polished marble floor. The sheen, the opulence, the luxury; the entire room was an embarrassment of riches. Philomel was living well, and it was a life that the Telgradian could’ve happily shared with her.

    In front of a very luxurious silk bed, complete with golden trim and satin sheets, was a chez-long. The Telgradian automatically chose the chair, not wanting to make the Faun feel uncomfortable by assuming he could just plonk himself down on the bed. As the Faun seated herself on the mattress edge, Shinsou finally found his tongue, seeing that the Faun's eyes begged for answers to more questions than she had dared to ask.

    The most obvious one seemed like a good place to start.

    "So yeah, I’m alive, no thanks to a small section of the Brotherhood that tried to overthrow me."

    The Faun's eyes widened. To hear of the Brotherhood betraying one of their own was unheard of and Philomel seemed to quickly understand the implications.

    "From what I understand, it seems like the Telgradians wanted me in exchange for Althanas's safety, and this little rebellion caved to their demands and tried to usurp me and Storm Veritas." A hint of bitterness found itself into Osiris's voice. "Luckily, my father picked me up alone, and for some reason decided to let me live. It seems he’s going to tell Telgradia I’m dead. As for Storm, I have no idea whether he is safe or not."

    Philomel listened carefully as Shinsou explained his situation further. “That’s why I’m in Radasanth. Director Wilfhelm, the leader of this little sect, lives here. If I get my way, he won’t be living anywhere much longer. Then, and only then, I can get back to Whitevale and sort this mess out. The only problem is that I can’t get anywhere near the damned building. It’s right in the centre of town and the place is crawling with guards; some of them seem to be bribed Radasanth officials too.”

    “But, that’s my problem. I've already involved you in far more than I have right to ask.” He kept his gaze fixed at the Faun. “As for you…”

    He scrambled to find the right words, cognizant of the cold air across his wet clothes. Eventually, he smiled.

    “Gods bless that you found me."
    Last edited by Shinsou Vaan Osiris; 11-22-2017 at 07:26 PM.

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