Nevin sat against the cooling body for a long few minutes. He had already found that the strange beast had enough life force to fuel two Essences being crafted from its blood - one he formed was of Vitality, seeking to capture the strength of life that had kept the beast going for so long. The other was…. An Essence of Insanity, or Madness. He had tried to capture its rabid ferocity, but the madness had come out stronger. This was an Essence he would save for a fight against a more intelligent, dangerous opponent - one he couldn't afford to have thinking.

After harvesting the Essences, he had collected as much of the spilled blood as he could, using his threads and his barbed whip to gather more from the body. This blood was then condensed, consolidated into thin plates, chunks of red that looked almost like metal in their consistency. These plates of blood were tucked into a pouch on his belt - they would come in handy if he needed blood for something and didn't want to chop himself up for it.

Now though, he was sitting, back against the slain beast, and staring absently at the tower that he had come far to reach. His mind was actually on the fight, not on what lay before him.

He had come a long way from the desperate man who had had to fight for his life against a lizard, even if it did spit acid. He had learned much since then, and had done his best to control the flow of the battle. Admittedly not a hard task against a creature that could not think, but then again it hadn't needed to - its sheer overwhelming might would have seen it victorious against many foes.

Not that it helped against him. In fact, if Nevin hadn't been concerned with testing out his whip against someone he wasn't afraid to hurt, he would have been able to finish it even faster, after the first blood had been spilled. Cut it open, make it bleed, then use its own blood against it, shooting it… NoNo, that wasn't the most efficient way he could have fought. But he had needed to prove it to himself, prove that his decision to fight with a barbed whip wasn't stupid, and that he could defend himself and kill his foes with it. So far he had mostly used it for displays to keep himself safe - it was good to know that it was indeed a viable weapon.

Though he hadn't counted on there being so much blood that the Plynt couldn't hold it all. Hmm. He might have to see about upgrading the whip at some point. Maybe get some kind of weight for the end, or changing the grip of the handle? Or he could just siphon excess blood off with his thread in the future. It had almost made the weapon to slick to hold, and if he hadn't kept the thing in his hand with crimson threads anchoring it in place it might have been messier.

Still. The fight was done, and he had won. He would leave the desiccated carcass here, for whatever scavengers lived in this area, and face his true goal. Exploring the tower, and seeing what secrets of Alchemy he might uncover. With a sigh, Nevin stood up and dusted himself off, and headed for the tower entrance.