Nevin fell to the ground with in an undignified sprawl, bloody in his nose and one hand as he hit stone. Thankfully he managed to keep from injuring himself worse, but having blood leaking down his face was rather annoying. He pushed himself onto his back and looked around, trying to figure out where he was.

Wherever he was, he was surrounded on all sides by stone. It was a fairly small chamber - and Nevin felt a heavy chill run down his spine as he realized that the room was clearly divided in two. One half had alchemical reagents and devices adorning the walls, and there was a small writing desk tucked into the corner. The other side of the room was filled with occult paraphernalia that Nevin had no chance of recognizing.

What he did recognize though, was the summoning circle smack dab in the middle of the room. He might not have recognized it, if it wasn't for the fact that there were alchemical runes dealing with containment and shielding etched around it - trying to contain something, though he had no idea what.

He slowly forced his way to his feet, keeping his distance from that circle for the moment as he made his way over to the writing desk. On top of it was a somewhat thick book - with a giant Alchemy rune embossed on the front. With trembling hands, he reached out and flipped the book open, not noticing the way the room began to glow.

To whatever ragamuffin has their grubby hand on this book, I congratulate you. You hold in your hands THE premier text on the grand art of magical Alchemy. I have seen in my age, that the world is suffering from a notorious deficit of truly trained magical Alchemists - the paltry guilds that exists are little more than glorified herbalists. So I have decided to devote my time to spreading this glorious art - and you hold in your hands the cumulation of that devotion.

I cannot live forever even with the wonders of Alchemy - Philosopher’s Stones are not worth the sorrow - and so, I must turn to text to pass my lessons on. By following the lessons I have outlined here, you will find yourself inducted into the ranks of Alchemy, a proud and noble group of elite individuals. Do me proud, and you will learn my name upon completion of your work with this book.

Nevin’s hands shook as he gripped the text tightly. This, this was what he had come here for. Now he just had to - what was that light? And that voice? With a sudden tightness in his throat, the Alchemist turned around, to see that the circle in the middle of the room was glowing brightly. A figure, screaming was coalescing above it.

“Oh, thick flow.”