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  1. #3

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Definitely not Nevin.

    Stare focused in, narrowing her vision immediately and taking a tense but friendlier (than some) pose. Jaw tightening, her heart began to race and for a mad moment she thought she might be in the wrong shop.

    But no, it had to be the same. She wasn't an idiot. Her memories, feet, mind were clear - the sign was even the same. Nothing had been altered shelf-wise or colour-wise, with the same rough stock and order, apart from ... consultant behind the desk ... was not Nevin.

    And was speaking in an alarmingly friendly manner. Not something the kenku was used to.

    Analysis had to come first, then assumptions could be made. There might be, after all, a perfectly reasonable explanation for this, Stare just had to find out. Waiting and hoping to see a bright white, honest heart, Stare moved her focus out of the physical plane and into the soul's ... Where she received one of the greatest shocks.

    Well. The heart did glow white. Which was an excellent start, it was only that everything else was ... Wrong.

    The aura was entirely messy. Stare had seen one very wrong aura in her life and that had been from Eteri, the soul collector. This one was not as messy or disgusting but it was ... Odd. Mainly, overall, it was a dirty lichen colour, but there were what could only be described as imperfections. Spots of actual veridian, a deep green that was almost blue, which spoke of a calm evil, were scattered like scars throughout. A small spark of teal, that was a similar neutral to the overall, was nestled as coming from the skull. Stare, if she had had one, would have curled her lip in distaste, but as it was she showed dislike in her eyes as she went on to spying the power lines of the being.

    Which made stop. And her heart begin to race as the sight of many bands of wriggling black lines scurried over the surface of this ... Man, woman? Stare couldn't actually tell, there was no discernible gender right now ... Black interfered with lavender. The purple-pink Stare had not experienced before, but the black alone was enough to make her heart pound painfully. So dark it made her shiver just thinking about it, despite the standard neutrality of his ... their aura.

    Feeckk ... Demon!


    That voice in her head.

    Vitruvion ... I thought you were with investors? she spoke quickly back to the god in her head, as her hand tried to secretly grapple for her dagger hilts.

    I am glad I decided to look in on you. Let me ... and suddenly the air was clearer. Like the pollution and the stench of sweat had been torn away. Any distracting essence or was done away with to be replaced with a lingering smell.

    The harsh stink of manure hit her nose. Very thick and very heavy. Definitely demonic, she said as she commented on Vitruvion's sense that he had gifted to her. A gift, like her aura sight, which could tell by smelling what types of lingering magics and creatures there were around. Each had their own recognisable scent. In demonic case, poo.

    I knew it! she began to rip her white dagger from its holder.

    Wait ... and was right. For there was a second, other smell. One of ... Lavender, like the colour lines in their chakras. Sweet, unimposing, gentle.


    What the ...

    Ask them, the intrigued god said.

    Stare blinked as she resumed the normal world, and was face with a very shocked and maybe scared shop keep. She paused, then pointed at them.

    And accused.

    "What have you done with Nevin?"
    Last edited by Stare; 11-02-2017 at 03:58 AM.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

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