Nevin had been gone for three days.

Three days on a 'research trip' for more supplies. Or alchemical knowledge. Or something. Ezra wasn't quite sure what exactly the alchemist had ran off to do, but the homunculus had been left in charge of the shop. Well, sort of. They were expected to sell the product that Nevin had left them, but not to produce any more until his return. Apparently, they could not be trusted working with the alchemy set by themselves. They wanted to argue, but, at the same time, he was the teacher and it was his shop. It would be disrespectful to disobey. Since his departure, the shop had been quite slow, and the main product bought was the Miner's Delight. Even then, the miners who came in barely spoke to Ezra and would hand off their money and depart. Apparently, without Nevin around, the store had lost some of its luster.

But, they would manage.

As they leaned against the counter and stared at the door, wishing, just wishing that a customer would walk through, their wish was granted! In the form of a humanoid bird. Ezra blinked, not quite expecting this turn of events. They quickly shook their head, braid bobbing against their chest before they stood to their full height.

"Greetings! Welcome to Herbal Magicks. My name is Ezra, how may I be of assistance to you today?"

They had been rehearsing that all day in the hopes of using it, and having someone there let it finally pay off. However, the avian just stared at them, and they couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable. Was the avianoid even capable of common speech? Behind the counter, their hand slid down to their thigh, where their hunting knife lay within its sheath. They had learned to always carry a weapon on them in case another attack occurred, but they were unsure of what the raven's presence meant in the shop.