A small smile crept up on the homunculus' features, and they couldn't help but nod at Stare's confirmation of their new friendship. It was nice to make more friends, especially ones who already knew Nevin and were quite nice and were a very interesting conversational partner. There was plenty of information to learn from the kenku, possibly even more magic related topics that could assist Ezra's own quest. The idea of being Nevin's friend hadn't really crossed their mind; the two had a professional relationship already and it was somewhat uncommon for the two to 'hang out' after work unless it was off-hours study for Ezra's origins.

"Hrm. I do have questions, but I am not sure how to ask them. As for your inquiry regarding the specialty elixirs for kenku, we still have three bottles in stock. As for making more, I am... unsure. I would not see why we could not, however, I have never done the process to draw blood and I fear that I could harm you in my attempts. If you wish to continue, I will do my best to draw more but you may have to assist me in order to make the process as efficient as possible."

They shifted from their position slightly, purple eyes scanning over the black-feathered humanoid standing across from them. Stare was truly a unique specimen of creature; they had only seen a few non-humanoids since their journey started three years ago, and even then, they had been mainly elves and a few dwarves. So meeting someone who was, in the homunculus' opinion, an entirely different race, they couldn't help but feel almost happy at making her a new friend.

"But, back to your previous question. My questions for you are a bit more personal, as we are now friends. I would like to know more about you in general. Do you have any family? What types of foods do you like to eat? Are you restricted in your diet like the non-evolved corvids? Are you employed currently? I am also curious of the various discriminations you may have faced while travelling. Up until this point, I have not met many outside of the standard human fair, so the difference in perspective would be quite valuable information for me."