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Thread: Venex Apara

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  1. #1
    Senior Member

    EXP: 3,002, Level: 2
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    Level completed: 34%,
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    Venex Apara's Avatar



    Venex Apara

    Name: Venex Geneva Apara

    Nickname/Alias: Ven

    Age: 24

    Race: Half-elf

    Height: 5'7"

    Weight: 158 lbs

    Occupation: Freelancer.

    Personality: Two things that should be known about Ven. One, he has a sharp tongue. Two, he's extremely easy going. Ven is a carefree spirit, going wherever the wind takes him, and more often than not it's the path that amuses him. When he's bored, he is not one to sit around, instead electing to find of entertainment. Whether this be conversation, pranks, drinking, or adventure, you can be sure he's doing something. He also has a weird perspective on alignment. To him, there really is no good or evil, just a spectrum of colour. Thus, his morality is skewed. If he were to be described, he would probably be a cross between Chaotic Good and Chaotic Neutral.

    History: Venex was born and raised in Alerar, born to a Elven father and a human mother. Ven was the oldest sibling of 5, with his siblings being: Alya, Robin, Derrian, and Rose. His family was not rich, and often times they had to work especially hard just to make ends meet. Despite this, his family choose to see the best in things, and always cherished what they had. This helped make Ven who he was today.

    Eventually, it was time for Ven to leave home. Ven decided to move from place to place, taking whatever job would accept him, again enough coin to get him to the next place, then move on. He had no direction, only going where his whims took him. And those whims took him to many different walks of life. He had worked as a barkeep in the city, worked as a farm hand in the countryside, served on a fishing boat for several months, and even helped criminals steal.

    He is now on the road again, looking for the next thing life leads him too...

    Appearance: Ven has very thin eyebrows and no facial hair, choosing to be clean shaven. His eyes always seem to have a glint of mischief and excitement. Ven's choice of clothing is a cobalt blue tailcoat, beige pants, and black traveling boots. He carries a silver pocket watch, an antique passed down through his family for over 200 years and is probably the most expensive thing he owns. He will never part with this, and has gotten into several scrapes with others who have tried to take it. Word of the wise, don't touch it without his permission. His rapier, sheathed, has a long leather cord which he has wrapped over right shoulder, and it hangs so he has ease of access to it. On his back is his pack, which carries his journal, some rations, and some other odds and ends.

    Skills: (Ranked as poor, adequate, moderate, master)
    Fencing: Adequate
    Parkour: Moderate
    Stealth: Moderate
    Sleight of hand: Master
    Cooking: Moderate
    Sailing: Moderate
    Use rope: Moderate
    Unarmed combat: Adequate
    Knife throwing: Adequate
    Bluffing: Moderate


    Magical Omniglot: Ven was blessed with the ability to speak to and comprehend any language he comes across. He cannot read any language, however, and is limited to Trade Speak, Elven, and some Draconian. If a creature is sentient but cannot speak, then only simple ideas can be expressed.

    Eidetic memory: Ven has an ability to vividly recall images from memory after only a few instances of exposure, with high precision for a brief time after exposure. This has helped him learn skills fast.


    Iron Rapier

    Iron boot dagger

    Silver pocket watch

    Rations (10 days)

    Journal, quill, and ink.

    Matches x30

    20 ft Rope


    Rusty (but still functional) Spyglass
    Oh look, another generic signature

    Fun stuff
    - Cupcake box: here

  2. #2
    First Officer

    EXP: 34,480, Level: 7
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next Level: 520
    Level completed: 94%,
    EXP required for next Level: 520

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    Rayleigh Aston
    Approved - direct transfer.

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