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Thread: Black Wings

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  1. #1

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Markqui grumbled but finally nodded. "Fine. Next week. But please consider the transferrance."

    Stare let the stress come to her eyes, but remained straight backed and professional. "Thank you, Mr de la Rossi," she began to say, "As long as-"

    "Lady Stare!"

    Both pudgy elf and sleek kenku turned. A small, brown-haired face appeared in the doorway, which belonged to the receptionist of the store. She paused and gave an apologetic smile before announcing:

    "My lady, there is a ... Man in the front, asking after you. He says he knows you?"

    Stare caught Markqui's glance over to her, and she herself shook her head. "I have not arranged for anyone to come here," she blinked as she looked back to the receptionist. "Julie, did the man say what he wanted?"

    "Nothing in particular, my lady. He says he knows you. I can ask him to come back later?"

    With a pause, Stare shook her head. "No we are done here I think. Yes?"

    Mr de la Rossi was caught for a moment, but then he shrugged, in a casual manner, unsuitable for the occasion. His lips pursed and he began to stand, "So long as you consider my proposal."

    "I have given you the reasons for and against," Stare simply replied, also getting to her feet. "As I said write up your idea for longer hours and I or Mer will be over next week to discuss it."

    "Hmm," the elf grunted and he began to walk.

    Stare bit back several lines of retort as he led her out from behind the offices and into the reception. Directly in front of her she did not see who waited for her, even as Julie sat down. Tight beaked and determined, she kept up all appearances of being professional, simply expecting this visitor to be a business client of some sort. Yes, it was odd they new her schedule, but then it was not secret knowledge. Some small questions would lead them to the Fine City Tailors on a Thursday afternoon where Beinost's only kenku and steward of Sir Elssmith would be found.

    "Very well," Markqui turned around as they got to the desk, "I agree to your terms."

    And then he moved to the side. And Stare saw her visitor. Red hair, crimson tunic, rough look, very out of sorts for the glory that was the council District for Beinost. Her beak parted as, for a moment, she was entirely stunned. It took her three honest seconds to actually compute that after all this time Nevin was in her city.

    "Ahem? My lady?"

    A proferred hand before her. Stare had to tear her eyes away from the seemingly cautious friend seated awkwardly on one of the grand armchairs. Quickly she slipped her hand into Markqui's and shook briefly, though careful not to harm him with her claws.

    "Yes, of course Mr Markqui. To next week."

    "Next week," the fat elf said, glancing to Nevin, but he said nothing more. Instead he turned away and headed back inside.

    Leaving Stare with Julie and Nevin. The receptionist was watching with upraised brows, curious as to this visitor.

    Damn fucking decorum, Stare cursed, trying to keep herself calm.

    Gently and properly she strode over before inclining a head at Nevin. "Mr Nevin," she said formally, dressed in all her finery, "What a pleasure to see you again, sir. Shall we get tea at Borkins?"

    She let the sparkle of happiness come to her eye though and waited for his reply. Eager to be out of this place now and to say a proper hello to her dear friend.
    Last edited by Philomel; 12-06-2017 at 03:37 PM.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

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