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  1. #1

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    But it was not a starved man of lust, as anyone walking in there would suspect. Instead it was one of need. A need to serve his true purpose, a need to be a power. A need to have subjects beneath him, a need to be worshipped and wanted.

    A need to be a god.

    "I am your god," he murmured.

    Slowly, she closed her eyes. "I know," she confessed, honestly, feeling the rising power within herself. The source of which lay on him. "I know."

    "I'm a fucking god," he whispered, "And I need a piece of ancient magic and a lump of unbreakable metal to be able to see into your mind. That should not be how it is."

    She began to breathe harder, heart thumping faster too. Uncertainty filled her, not knowing where this might lead to. As his grip on her tightened even more she gasped and he was speaking in a hissing, angered voice, full of malcontent and a century of disgust.

    "Stare, you are mine for all time. No matter what happens, what I do, what things come, I will not lose you. And this is not said because I am some sick-hearted lover. None of this is about romance, lust, desire for your body. It is purely about me, claiming your personhood. As I should be able to do. Many gods in the past have done, chosen their paladins, their messiahs and prophets. This is me doing the same." He grinned. "High priestess."

    A shiver ran down her spine as he said it. Closing her eyes she reminded herself who it was who was behind her. Even though he had just told her it all, she now needed to coax her mind to completely accept it.

    After a while his hold relaxed.

    "We need to go," he whispered. He embraced her for one more long minute before his hands let go of her forearms. There was a brief pause before he let go of her completely, sliding his arms from underneath and around her.

    At a moment's rest Stare took a long breath in, then curled up into a foetal position. Arms clutched around her legs and she buried her beak under the covers.

    Behind her the man with streaming white hair watched her quietly. He found himself smiling softly, and entirely satisfied. In her mind currently he saw the depths of her understanding for who he was and what she meant to him. Acceptance ... Appreciation.

    "Breakfast," he announced, pushing himself up from the bed.

    "Yeah," she murmured.

    He looked at her, then sat up fully, covers falling down to his waist.

    "And then we will go north."

    "So no ape-orcs?" she mumbled.

    He laughed softly. "Perhaps right after. But before then we have my mercenaries to protect.'
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  2. #2

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    She came down to breakfast late, slipping into the room with freshly washed clothes and slightly damp feathers from a long wash. She carried her half helmet in her hand, a piece that fitted over her skull and upper beak part. Vitruvion sat already, a newspaper folded before him and a steaming plate of food half eaten. Blaze, Raevin and Mer were there too, through various stages of their meal. It was Blaze who Stare was more anxious about - when the kenku moved into the room, she stiffened and looked away with purpose. Her two guards behind her tightened their hands on their quarterstaffs.

    "Sit," Vitruvion gestured at her chair without raising his face, "There is still an hour and some to go before anything is confirmed."

    An hour until they were scheduled to leave. The last few moments of the five hours of time then that the mercenaries had been missing.

    There was a minor silence, but not much more than had already been happening. It seemed awkwardness was fashionable. Stare grunted a sigh before placing her helmet on the corner of the table and dropping into her seat.

    "Where - where are you going in an hour?" Mer's voice asked, trying to be polite and not sounding too curious.

    "North. That is all you need to know. After that Stare and I will be away for possibly a few days more," Vitruvion spoke, at the same time as his eyes surveyed the newspaper. He flipped over the paper.

    "Wait, away ...?" Mer glanced at Stare, who looked at her briefly before leaning forwards and starting to pick off foods from the platters. "But it is Thursday tomorrow ..."

    "And you are perfectly capable of performing Stare's duties at the Emporium and Tailors by yourself, Mer," Vitruvion answered lightly. "The very reason I employed you is for times like this."
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  3. #3

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Mer narrowed her eyes at Stare who shrugged before going back to her food. Once she had enough meat and few vegetables stacked there she sat back to begin to eat. Still not looking up Vitruvion laid a finger on his mug and tapped it, once. It made her pause, and then Mer began to lean forwards ...

    "Stare, not you," he said in a sterner voice.

    "Is there any difference?"

    A quick intake of breath was Raevin's first sign of his presence, aside from the sight of him. Stare blinked at him as she moved anyway and took the mug to begin to make his coffee.

    A slow smile spread across Vitruvion's face. Even Blaze, quiet as she was now, looked between them all, eyes wide.

    "More difference than you'll ever know."

    "Well, I know one-"

    "No," he suddenly said sharply, eyes lifting up for the first time and glaring directly at Mer.

    The elf maiden pursed her lips, but after a while she looked away. Stare could see the tension in her jaw but the acceptance in her eyes. Quietly she slipped Vitruvion over his coffee, and went to her food.

    Then wordlessness fell again, the time continuing to tick by. Seconds, tens of them. Sausages, cut up and neatly stuffed into her beak. Raevin munching on his toast slowly, Blaze looked down, not sure what to do aside from gaze at an empty plate.

    Eventually Stare gave in and moved her head slightly to near Blaze. "I apologise for blinding you," she muttered, more feeling the need to say the word rather than truly feeling apologetic.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  4. #4

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    The Ellenin stiffened and hissed back. "You can do magic?! Even after being in the Hollow?"

    Stare shifted and looked away. From what she understood from conversations with Philomel van der Aart, the powerful faun with a great organisation, the kenku knew that the effects of the Hollow's magic and power cancelling properties lasted on a victim for a few days after. That or less, depending how long they had been there. A minute there would only last a minute outside to readjust. Thus, if Blaze could do magic, which was likely, she could be safely taken out of it for a day without getting her power back.

    After all she had her origins in Althanas.

    "I ... Yes," Stare murmured.

    "How?!" she asked, incredulous.

    "By the same enchantment on her that allows me to communicate with Stare by mind," came a smooth answer.

    All eyes looked to him. Apart from Raevin's who knew all of this already. Or rather, knew the actual truth that this lie covered up.

    Vitruvion looked at Blaze. "Stare serves me with loyalty, and has earned her role of being a benefit to me, in other ways than how she did before. Other skills, her magic, her ... Willingness to accept that presence in her mind has led to what she does for me now." He straightened his back. "Now, does that answer all your questions about why she is here now? Would you accept me into your mind? To be able to see your thoughts even when you do not know I am there? To not have the most basic of privacies?" A slow grin had come to his face.

    Blaze looked horrified. With disgust she stared at the kenku for a few seconds before she spoke.

    "You let ... him into your mind?!"

    "If you don't mind, I'll eat the rest of my breakfast in the library," Stare grabbed her helmet and her other fingers were curled around her plate.

    "No, you will stay," Vitruvion commanded, the smile broad and knowing. When Stare did not let go of her plate he leant over and firmly pushed the hand off. Grumpily, Stare complied, slumping in her seat.

    "You're more a traitor and a hypocrite than I thought," Blaze commented.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  5. #5

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    And with that -

    "Aster, Kingston, I think it is time Blaze returned to her home. Please escort her there."

    The two guards either side sprang to attention. Blaze herself let out a small, surprised gasp. Hands slipped down to touch her shoulders, indicating that she should get up. Her eyes turned to Stare, whom she glared at before she got up, pushing back the chair.

    They escorted her out with little difficulty, guiding her with practised ease. Behind them they closed the door, and then that was it. Blaze was gone, her short adventure back into Stare's life over. Very soon now though Stare knew that every 'guest' in the Hollow would know of Stare's mind connection to Vitruvion. Of all things it was not the worst they would ever do.

    Silently she took up her fork again and began to eat, feeling more vulnerable, but knowing that this was her life.

    Mer did not make any more protestations. Although she tried to make herself as useful to Vitruvion as possible in the next hour, fetching him everything he asked for. Stare was reminded of a desperate squirrel, trying to hide as many nuts as possible for the coming winter. What sort of winter it might be, she did not know, for another half-god hanging around Althanas when there were already too many was worrying. Especially one who seemed intent on destroying Vitruvion.

    Stare let do Mer as she would and made practise to arrange the provisions from the kitchen, should their journey end up taking them into the Tular Plains after finding the whereabouts of the mercenaries. She packed resources of salted meat, bread and dried fruit, rolling them with blankets. Tying it into a pack she weighed it and considered it suitable enough for Sen to be able to carry as well as her.

    And so, she left after collecting clothes and all that she needed. Passing through the main hall she saw the front doors open, and a dainty figure of Blaze walking through them, her guards around her, her body tied.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  6. #6

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Stare grunted, and went right forwards. She watched as Blaze slowed to look back and take in the memory of the house again. Outside a strong team of riding horse, as well as a carriage stood in wait - and a fierce looking black-coated chocobo. Stare felt a pang of guilt for the girl, having as she needed to now to head to the pit of no natural light and pain. But that guilt lasted only so long. There was always constant hatred towards Vitruvion for what he had done to her, Blaze and the others. There would always be until the Hollow was no more, but there was very little she could do about it.

    She strode past Blaze, a brief amount of eye contact. The girl watched with a quizzical brow as Stare went over to the chocobo. The bird mounts, who's name was Sen and was a blessing in her life, chirruped a happy noise before dragging his reigns from his handler. The stable boy breathed in fast but let in happen, as Sen headed right for Stare.

    Happily, she greeted her dear friend with a great amount of attention. They embraced for a while, the two birds in this wild world of humans and elves and other things. Stare heard the carriage door thump eventually and glanced to see Blaze had finished. She paused, then decided not to say goodbye but rather give her attention to Sen. For a while she scratched his jaw, stroked his neck and fed him scraps of meant from her pocket.

    "That is all of us," came the voice along with scraping footsteps as they kicked the thousands of stones that made up the drive.

    Stare looked behind her to see Vitruvion moving across the path towards a proud, magnificent white stallion. One that tossed it head and snorted as he came. Lively, bold. Definitely his type. In all honesty Stare could not remember seeing him ever ride a horse before, rather he was always in the carriage. So she watched with intrigue as he came over, three guards trailing behind him and Raevin. With expert ease he mounted the stallion after petting it once, swinging his leg over and settling into the saddle.

    He paused, then looked over to Stare, an amused smile showing. Quickly, she looked away, giving Sen a last rub before she hoisted herself into the chocobos's saddle. She pushed her pack to be behind her, tying it down before settling into the saddle. Once there, she took up the reigns and checked herself and looked back out to the field.

    The rest of the men were climbing to their mounts. Some were clearly struggling more than others, one of whom was not Raevin. After a while, however, they got themselves sorted and packs, as well as weapons were sorted. Two more elves and a human were who Raevin had selected and though mounting a horse was not their greatest skill, Stare knew that fighting would be.

    "Right," Vitruvion said, when they were all assembled. Then he nodded at Raevin. The brown haired elf twisted on his horse, checked his men, and Stare and then breathed in. The metal gate that kept the world from them began creep open.

    Seconds later the team of five horses and one choocbo were racing down the streets of Beinost, dirty dust clouds their legacy.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  7. #7

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    It took them two hours to reach the destination that the mercenaries had been supposed to be going to. Stare kept herself quiet, her gauntlet by her side attached to her belt along with dagger and helmet. Her mail shirt bounded along with her as she rode the swift, avian mount, who was faster than the horses and had more endurance it seemed. Sen kept streaming out ahead, cawking his greatness.

    After coming out of the city they ended in a great plain. Snaking around the edge of water, they rode up into a group of hills. As they got closer it became apparent that there was a small village here. Peaceful, it would have been just an ordinary farming town, were it not for the fact they knew a Bounty Hunter's Guild lay nearby.

    They slowed as they got to about a mile from the village, stopping on a rise. Vitruvion took the lead, calmly ceasing his horse's movements with so little effort. Stare deduced he could probably talk to the creature. The guards and she gathered behind him, their mounts heaving with breath, Sen eager to keep on charging but he could be patient. For a while all the did was look down at the place of haunting, silence between every mouth.

    "From the reports," Raevin murmured, "It lies somwhere to the east. Up the valley."

    "And it is to be assumed that the scouts went either there or to the village first," Vitruvion agreed.

    There was a pause.

    "Sir," one of the elf guards carefully addressed. The white-haired noble angled his head in the man's direction, not quite making eye contact, but instead keeping his attention on the village. With that acknowledgement the elf went on. "Sir, one of us could go into the village and ask if they saw any strangers recently."

    His nearest comrade, the other elf nodded in encouragement. "Two of us would be better. Bolster and I can go."

    Vitruvion shifted in quiet discomfort for a moment admitted nevertheless. "It would make the most sense as a plan of action."

    Silence fell. Stare felt the awkward atmosphere settle, but eventually their employer nodded.

    "Bolster, Narlan, go down to the village. If you are beset upon one of you shoot a fire ball into the sky." He glanced at them. "You both are capable of that attack, correct?"

    They confirmed with agreeing mutters.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  8. #8

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    "Good," Vitruvion straightened, and pulled back his horse. The white stallion huffed but twisted around, angling back to come to the rest of them.

    The two elves saluted their employer before looking to one another. With an unspoken affirmation they spurred their steeds into action and began the canter down the hill. It did not take long for surprised calls to begin coming from the village, clearly unused to strangers. Vitruvion pulled his horse around to line it between Raevin and Stare, one hand on the reigns, the other holding his cane.

    That he still had despite the hard riding. Stare found herself being amused, but did not look at him. Instead she focused on the houses below where a couple of villagers armed with shovels began to saunter out towards their incoming riders.

    "Weapon," Vitruvion explained.

    "I know," she nodded, "It is just an unusual sight to see."

    "Whenever have I been described as a normal being?" Vitruvion arched an eyebrow.

    Stare paused, looking briefly at him, and then Raevin who rolled his eyes. She was smiling in her eyes.

    "None that I can think of," she confirmed.


    Back at the village Bolster and Narlan were discussing from still horseback with the two villagers. Though they had their hands on their weapons and the two villagers held onto their shovels with passion, there seemed little danger. Only quiet words were being discussed, a few nods. Stare paused, then realised she might be able to focus and tried to squint her eyes slightly. With it she found she could angle her eyesight in and perceive even the white knuckles of the tightened grips.

    Time passed and still they remained. Nobody said anything, but rather focused on the exchange taking place. Features were made back up to the party and the villagers looked back at them in alarm. After a second Stare pushed her awareness into the aura sight but was happy to find only goodness pouring from the townsmen.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  9. #9

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    "I think we can be sure that the village did not take them," Vitruvion rolled back his shoulders and breathed out a sigh.

    "I would assume so sir," Raevin replied.

    News came with the return of Bolster and Narlan. The two shovel-wielding townsmen stayed with their village and did not move. Instead they kept watching the party. As the two elves climbed the hill they shook heads and blurted out that the villagers had not even seen anyone in the town, just that a group of three fighters had been seen late the previous night heading east. As to a group of local Bounty Hunters there seemed to be disagreement. Some said there was a local set of trackers who lived in the wood, others had heard of nothing. Overall tey seemed preoccupied and focused.

    "Sounds like our party," Raevin commented.

    Vitruvion gave a deep nod, and was quiet for a contemplative moment. After a while Bolster looked over at him.

    "Your orders sir? We could head east or see if the villagers are lying?"

    The god shook his head. "They have no reason to." He pointed to the east. "We go on."

    "On it is," Raevin raised a hand and gestured gratuitously to his men. They commented their cheerful acceptance of orders and began to gather in a tight formation together.

    Stare began to wonder if this had been going on for years. These types of accumulated huntings and gatherings, of going on a set adventure with Vitruvion. Seeking out those who were his enemies, finding the truth behind disappearances. Getting revenge for those who wronged him and his employees.

    Personally this was the first time she had been with this many. She could only compare it to the time he had taken her to Raiaera to better find out what had happened to her during her time in the Bounty Hunter cells near there. That had been the first time they had come up against the Hunter Guild and when they had discovered the connection with Sabazios and Vitruvion's supposed half brother here. There had been some periods and events that had led Stare to be alone with Raevin, and once or twice with Brer, her old bodyguard, but this time was different. For the first time she felt part of something larger, something more ornate, and not just a simple cog in Vitruvion's business machinery.

    You feel ... Like a cog? he said, unamused. From the genesis of your service to me as my steward, Stare, you have been more than a cog. He almost sounded offended.

    She shifted and looked awkward as they restarted their grouped ride. I mean that this is the first time I have felt part of something larger than just being an asset. I- she cut herself off, knowing she was not making herself clear. Before it was like they all regarded me as just the glorified, promoted sex slave. This is ... Nicer. I feel part of it.
    Last edited by Stare; 12-01-2017 at 04:43 PM.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  10. #10

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Vitruvion nodded a little, elegantly. "Most likely. They spoke of foresters inhabiting that place ... No suggestion of how many?"

    "No sir."

    They still trotted, and he made no sign of slowing. Instead, he began to angle his horse towards the side of the wood, rather than the centre. There was looks but no comments as all followed his direction wordlessly.

    To the edge they got and Vitruvion gestured to his employees before sliding off his own steed. The rest of the men followed, Stare only getting off when she was thrown a meaningful look. Holding their mount's reigns each being glanced to the other before the secret god breathed in and began to murmur quietly.

    "Raevin, take point with Bolster and Hangfort. Narlan, keep behind them."

    The men nodded and easily slid into position, drawing weapons. Stare watched their movements occurring with practised ease, fascinated in the way that they did. Calmly Vitruvion slid into a point between them all, hands grasping onto his cane.


    She looked over to him and saw him gesture just before him.

    "We need your eyes."

    Her main use. What she was called after. Quickly she nodded and slipped on her gauntlet as she walked over, testing the metal plate links sliding back and forth into one another. Easily, with her small form, she took up position between Raevin and Vitruvion, her range obscured by the height of the elf, but there would be enough room to see something.

    She breathed in and straightened, shifting into heat vision. The five large bodies around her were red beacons on a field of black, hot and living and -

    "Stare go ahead, actually. Those are going to get in your way. Raevin, protect her with ... Well you know."

    Stare glanced back at the intense pink body of warmth behind her, but not before a hand fell onto her shoulder. Suddenly the heat that was Raevin appeared and pushed her forwards before him. She stumbled slightly, but was righted and steadied by the hand. It took her a moment to get her balance, but when she did she swung her head back forwards and was met with the forest of dull colours and tiny buzzing life.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

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