"He'll honestly never let you go, you know that right?"

And I promise I never will, he whispered to her.

A traitor and a deciever. That was what she was now.

Stepping back she returned to his side, refusing to make eye contact with him. She could see though, his wide smirk, satisfaction knowing he was still the one in power. Something she had to admit.

After all, he was still a chaotic villain.

"Come," Vitruvion said.

He looked to Raevin, gave him a single nod, which the elf returned. Then, looking back to the room the god began to walk, his pace picking up fast. Pressure from behind her made Stare begin her walking. The guards pressed close around Blaze, one of them (not Brer) pushing Stare more forwards to have the space. Her clawed hands forming into tight fists and she kept her eyes away from everyone else, focused only on the ring that shone before her. On the third finger on Vitruvion's right hand.

Quickly they ascended the stairs. Blaze was gently pressed at the shoulders to guide her by the two normal-sized guards who Stare deduced to be her usual escorts. They whispered in her ear when it came time for them to ascend the staircases. And meanwhile, Stare kept slightly before them, just behind their ultimate leader.

Up by stairs and corridor they went, passing by various guards and mercenaries who were being trained, paid and organised. All along Stare began to wonder just exactly what was going on. Why Blaze was there, with them. Yes, she knew that sometimes Vitruvion took his 'guests' above ground, into the light - she herself had been taken in that way - but this was the first time she had been involved. Asked to attend to his side, bidden to come.

They strode into the light of day. There, waiting for them was the oaken carriage of Vitruvion. Not too simple, yet not too ornate. Practicality over everything, with a team of four grey and brown horses standing at the front. Currently there was one being around the carriage and he was Vitruvion's usual driver - a silent, peaceful man by the name of Eret. He slipped off the driver's seat, down the full six feet to the ground with a smooth leap. Twisting, and not even sparing a second glance for Blaze, he opened the carriage door and bowed his head low.

Vitruvion stepped forwards and ducked his head as he got in. Stare slipped out of the way as Blaze was gently urged forwards and up into the interior. There were a few murmurs as seating was arranged, and the guards debated their positions.

"Stare. Inside," came the calm, cool voice.