There was a short, awkward silence. Three pairs of eyes - the driver was now climbing back into his usual place - turned to look at her. Two of them were large and brown, belonging to Brer who paused, then moved out of the way. The other guards also descended their ways out of the carriage to allow her full room to be able to get in.

Stare sucked in her breath. She blinked, and her tension got all the worse.


"For fuck's sake," she muttered, moving her body suddenly and awkwardly. Shoving herself through the hole that was the doorway she moved into the interior of the carriage, her eyes full of darkness and fury for him. Vitruvion looked back at her with the shine of glee still in his eyes. The master manipulator. The lord of all he saw. Still in charge, still in command.

You are such a bastard, she hissed darkly at him.

Vitruvion chuckled and relaxed into the corner. Beside him Blaze sat, now able to see but still with the gag in her mouth. Her own furious eyes were glaring at Stare who scowled back at her and slumped into the far opposite corner, the three of them making some strange, ill-fated company. Lastly Brer heaved himself into the carriage to sit beside Stare, ducking at the last moment to secure a fetter around Blaze's ankle, then securing that into a loop into the ground.

The memory of the same thing occurring to Stare burned in her mind. Her eyes dark and full of spit she looked away from them all, her right hand sliding to grip the hilt of her mythril dagger tight.

Moments of utter quiet passed. The door was slammed shut, Brer took his seat. The carriage creaked as the last two guards climbed into place. Then it lurched as the party was thrown into motion.

Silence. Complete silence.

I fucking hate you-