She blinked, having not received any information about their appearance but rather their personality. She made this thought obvious in her mind.

He looked at her sharply. "Stare. I am explaining in my own time," he scolded her. Not reacting, she sat there, waiting for his answer. Taking a moment he sighed and then went on. "Going on all fours as well as two. Orc-like but with a primate effect, and skin hard ... Like turtle-shell would be a good analysis. Ranging in colour from khaki to tan brown, and mainly ugly, it seems. Possibly horned."

"So ape orcs?" She asked, in a slightly amused voice.

"Indeed," he agreed. He fixed eye contact with her. "I find it intriguing also to consider the fact that all of the half-siblings that I know of and have met are all, in some way, human-esque. Ventrua has the pointed ears of an elf and others that I have met perhaps have a tail or some other small detail from their mother, but they are all, for the most part, human."

Stare found her eyes dropping to the map and up again at Vitruvion. "So ... Ansaldo prefers those of human-based design? He is attracted to them?"

"That and he chooses to take the form of one when walking amongst his lands."

"And the races that you know of, which he discarded are all ..."

Vitruvion inclined his head deeply. "Very different. Exactly, my dear. My father, is in fact rather racist."