"You could try ..." he murmured.

Frozen, there, still, Stare paused for a moment in shock and confusion before the realisation actually came. A sigh came from her mouth and she slumped back to be comfortable again, slipping the dagger back into the sheath. Yet, Vitruvion did not move, stuck in that same position of half way moving into the bed.

"What is it?" she at last replied after a lengthy pause. Gently she pushed the knife back under her pillow. She began to attempt to sit up.

"No need for that," he grunted as he moved finally.

And he set his full weight onto the bed, making it growl a little in protest. Dressed in simple trousers of cotton and no top it was clear what his intentions where. Stare blinked at him, half way into a sitting position, propped up on his elbows. She watched with quizzical brow ridge and eyes as he smoothly slid in settling down so his form was in the bed fully, covered up to his shoulder. For a moment he looked at her with a vivid blank look in his eye.

It occurred to Stare that it was very dark. But her eyes seemed to have naturally picked this up and adjusted in their ways to allow her to see in near normal. She realised Vitruvion must have something similar as he was seeing her with full recognition and did not squint.

These things she considered as she remained there, half sitting. It took a while for him to grunt and lift his body up onto an elbow. He raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you here?" she blurted out. "You have Blaze here tonight."

He blinked twice before responding.

"I am here to sleep. Nothing more."

She nodded. "And you cannot use your bed because ..."

"Blaze is in it," he simply said. "Now. Are you finished with the idiot questions?"

"Wait - what - no, I-"