The words made Stare blink. Despite the stance she was in her intrigue, or rather, anxiety, began to rise. "'Hunters'? As in ..."

"Bounty Hunter Guild, yes," Vitruvion said, a foul note in his voice. "The very same ones. We heard reports of a possible collection of them just north of here, and I would rather not have them in my city."

"Damn," she whispered, remembering the cold cell and the iron chains that the same group had kept her in for five, long days.

"Indeed," the god curled his lip with distaste, then looked back to Stare. She blinked, annoyance still in her eyes but far more concern there now. Slowly his head began to rest back down into the pillows, and she began to growl again, pushing at his hold.

"Raevin," Vitruvion said, as the possessive smile returned. "Arrange a guard of your four beat fighters. Brer may be of use, the other three choose yourself who can be focused and fast. Give it a further three hours and if they are not back by then, then we will travel north."

"We, sir?"

"I am not risking anyone else to the heathens who may be connected to my supposed brother," the god replied. "All of us are going. Stare knows of their tactics, I will be able to provide knowledge. We are all going. And Ansaldo's balls, Stare, stop it."

Caught off guard she ceased in her struggling for a moment to pause and glare around, looking at first him and then Raevin. Vitruvion already had his eyes closed again, Raevin shrugged at her as if to say, 'I am definitely not going to help.'

"Do you honestly want me to pin your arms to your side?"

"No, I would like to be able to get out of my own bed though," she retorted.

"Not whilst your god has anything to say about it," he answered, flatly. "I am not wanting to get up yet, thus you are not getting up yet either."

"You have hundreds of young women in this city who would beg to share your bed," she argued. "And Blaze-"