Blocked flow. Even writing hadn't worked - I had watched her while I wrote, and there was absolutely no level of comprehension in that gaze. She seemed confused, aggravated - probably at our lack of ability to communicate. Cobalt. I couldn't think of another way to talk to her either - body language seemed to be the only thing we shared in common, and even that was distorted due to the differences in our bodies.

I was pulled from my thoughts when she chittered loudly at me, furiously jabbing a finger at my legs. Then a gesture at her legs - was she asking why I only had two? Before I could figure out what she was actually asking, the small woman charged at me. I braced myself in response to the sudden motion, tightening my abs as her hands - hit my chest?

After she shoved me, the spider-woman darted backwards, staring at me with suspicion in her gaze. That had been... Awkward. I stood up, regaining my full height, and folded my arms over my chest.

"Well. I have no idea what that was supposed to accomplish little one. Was that a form of greeting? Trying to show dominance? Telling me to back off?" I huffed, then tapped my chest. "Let's try this then I'm Nevin. Ne-vin." As I spoke my name I tapped my chest. I had no idea if she could even speak similarly to me - her mouth seemed to be shaped appropriately, but I had no idea what her vocal cords were like.