Sigh. As expected, the only thing Neh had for me was a faceful of murky confusion.

I guessed I was going to have to figure out my way back from wherever this “here” was by myself. Right now, it might be better to figure out how this weird world worked. My mind was already racing. I’d have to find a source of food, learn the currency (if this world wasn’t too primitive for that), try to make this mushy language work in my mouth… This was going to be a monumental amount of effort to sort out. “Fuck Anetof,” I muttered again.

Amid my worry, my shivers, and my cursing, Nev’vahn removed his outer garment and held it out.

I blinked and tilted my head. For me? It was green, brown, and ugly all over, but I knew its purpose. Who was I to deny an offering of warmth? “Bitch, please, gimme that,” I declared as I grabbed it out of his hands. The rag was immediately draped over the back of my torso and abdomen -- though, it didn’t seem to be build for a body as graceful and well-balanced as mine. It would do though. Yes. It wasn’t as silky as my festival attire, but it was hells warmer to wrap around myself. Neh’vahn was given a nod of approval. This was mine now. For now. For however long I was cold, I decided. When I was in a place where it was no longer so horribly-weathered, I would graciously hand back his long attire.

Without the extra attire to pad out his form, he looked more like a standing stick than ever, all gangly and pale and weird. Again I found myself tickled by the urge to push him over. Because damn, I still couldn’t figure out how he was standing up like that.

I skittered forward with my arms held out brashly. Neh’vahn’s meager two eyes widened at my swift advance. To my surprise, he took a half-step to the side. What? How he anticipated my clever intentions, I didn’t know. What I did know was that my enthusiastic shove ended with me eating dirt and pallid grass.

“Fuck your balance!”