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  1. #1
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    Venex Apara's Avatar


    Ven looked at Fenn, then at Nevin, the back to Fenn again before chuckling. "Well I can provide specifics quite easily new best friend you big softie you. Admit it, you like hugs!"

    Ven knew he wouldn't of course, not right now, not out loud. Even with this limited interaction, he got pretty good feel of Nevin's type, prickly like a cactus. Fortunately for Ven, he was an expert botinist, he read up on plant care in several books! That basically makes him a genius.

    But alas, now was not the time to flaunt that. He had a job to do and he really needed to stop getting distracted. Focus!

    Then focus he did. Like a switch, Ven went from full on joking mode to casual business mode (Which is realistically the best you'll get out of him given most any situation).

    "We will definetlt need to go with the specifics. General stuff has too much risk for failure, not that I doubt your work. Obviously human, as well as elves, dwarves, a variant for drow if possible, though not not entirely necessary, reptilian based creatures, personas with dracinic if infernal heritage in their blood- samples can be provided if needed- and a minotaur."

    Ven shook his head as he said the last part. "Don't ask. Seriously, just don't."

    He then looked back at Fenn, who took full advantage of the free hug while Ven listed off what he needed. "Speaking of serious stuff, how come you Mr. Fenn haven't said anything to myself? We can't become good friends if you dont converse?"
    Oh look, another generic signature

    Fun stuff
    - Cupcake box: here

  2. #2
    Sweet Cinnamoth

    EXP: 37,766, Level: 8
    Level completed: 31%, EXP required for next Level: 6,234
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    FennWenn's Avatar


    Fennik Glenwey
    Looks eight. He's definitely older.
    Frost Fae
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    Startled at the verbal acknowledgement of his thoughts, Fenn accidentally swallowed his honey candy.

    Embraces were not foreign to him, but it took him half a moment to process the idea of initiating this sort of affection himself. Normally, hugs were initiated by other people. Ones who had decided Fenn was the cutest little child-looking-thing in the vicinity and couldn’t restrain their “coddle this” instincts any longer. Everything from phauns to curious briar-fae had squeezed him in a warm arm-blanket of squee. Of course, Salvar would melt before Nevin would do such a thing. But for Fenn to initiate the hug? The boy thought about it hard enough to make his buggy green eyes cross over each other, and a frown to squish his face. How strange!

    While Ven continued to do the business-talking thing with Nevin -- Fenn bothered to understand none of it -- the little fae flitted out from behind the desk and clumsily swooped in for his promised hug. Ka-squish!

    Hrmm. Nevin was bony. And his robes smelled faintly of blood. And he wasn’t really good at the whole hugging-back thing.

    What a disappointing drain of dignity.

    “Tall” was not a word one would ascribe to Fenn. After a moment of awkwardly clinging to the alchemist’s waist, he let go and skittered back behind the desk as if nothing had ever happened. This was about the time he decided to address the one bit of talking this Ven-man had aimed at him. What did Ven mean by “haven’t said anything?” The fae had said many things today! It was just that none of these things had been verbal. Fenn sighed. The elf was not the nimblest wire in the pick-locking kit.

    A patch of foggy ice crystals appeared on the desk, underneath his ready hands. TALK IN ACTIONS AND FROST, the little fae explained in writing. TALK TO MUTT FRIEND WITH HANDS.

    On second thought, he added an aside mostly meant for Nevin. MORE CANDY? GONNA HIDE HERE FOR A FEW HOURS.
    Last edited by FennWenn; 01-17-2018 at 09:11 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member

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    Venex Apara's Avatar


    In hindsight, Ven probably should have paid more attention to the little frost fae. Previously, he was was focused on Nevin, and that focus made him tune out Fenn almost entirely. It was that weird situation where you know someone is there but don't really react. Of course, with how Ven's mind worked, it eventually shifted focus to Fenn. When he did, Ven had to blink a few times. When he focused on Fenn, he could hear him speak, if speaking was what you would call it. He didn't move his mouth, but he could hear words. They were soundless, yet they were full of emotion and cheer, and had an strange echo effect to them.

    Where he did not hear Fenn then, he did now.

    "Ahh, well, sorry about that. I must have not heard you earlier," he explained to the fae. "My mind often wanders when I'm focused on something, and sometimes miss a thing or two."

    He then gave a apologetic smile before moving on. "That being said, I'm more of spring than a wire. The ice thing is cool too, pun intended. Though why write words when you can speak them? You've clearly shown your ability to talk, and really, writting is for letters and signs."
    Oh look, another generic signature

    Fun stuff
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  4. #4
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    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
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    Nevin stared, strangely, at Ven. He went so far even as to take a few steps back and away from the babbling other man, because now he was concerned. The man seemed to be responding to things no one had said - or, perhaps, to their thoughts. And mind readers were always difficult to deal with, because they'd know what you did before they did it. Fenn had written, nothing of wires, and he'd certainly said nothing at all. The boy was mute, incapable of words - and Nevin had seen him enough times to know that that was not an affectation. No - this Ven seemed to be peering into the Fae's mind.

    "Can you, please, stay out of our heads? I find I quite value my privacy." Nevin had gotten stiffer, and was now a fair bit ornery. Only a part of it was over the fact that this man seemed to be pilfering the thoughts from their minds - the other part of it was at how blatant and callous he was being about his actions. Nevin slid himself between the exhausted Fae and the mind reader, blocking the direct line of sight to the blond child.

    Fenn had asked for candy - and in that, asked for shelter. Nevin had been initially inclined to toss the little thief back out after letting him recover - but now, he didn't think it would be Fenn that was being thrown through the door. His dark red eyes narrowed as he watched Ven.
    Last edited by Nevin; 01-18-2018 at 06:32 PM.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  5. #5
    Sweet Cinnamoth

    EXP: 37,766, Level: 8
    Level completed: 31%, EXP required for next Level: 6,234
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    FennWenn's Avatar


    Fennik Glenwey
    Looks eight. He's definitely older.
    Frost Fae
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    Ven was in… his head?

    Fenn froze in place, squinting in addled tiredness at the half-elf, somewhat shocked by this turn of events. At the same time, a part of him was enthusiastic about this. Great! Yes! Good! A line of direct communication! Like with Vincent, when Vince was still around. Yet -- no! Fenn had not invited this Ven-man into his mind, and his mind was very much his own private property, thank you very much. The boy had no patience for those who would rifle through his belongings as he rifled through random pockets. And his thoughts were his belongings to be shared as he deemed fit. Though, if he had mind-reading powers, Fenn figured he’d put them to good use himself. After all, he could trust himself! He was responsible! But what was Ven?

    So naturally, conflicted as he was, the boy simply sighed and laid his head down on the desk -- it smelled like walnut polish -- and wondered where he could snag a mind-reader-deterring artifact of some kind. Or if he actually needed one. Or if they even existed. They had to exist, right?

    In a display of some strange paternal chivalry, Nevin had thrown himself between Fenn and Ven the Mind Man. Could mind-readers read minds if another person was in the way? Fenn didn’t know the rules of mind-readery. Either way, he lifted his head up and craned over to peer at Ven. His stare was narrow and uncertainly accusatory.

    Explain yourself, Mind Man.

  6. #6
    Senior Member

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    Venex Apara's Avatar


    Ven was confused. Very confused. Very very very confused. Stay out of their heads? he thought to himself, Well that cannot be right.

    He then looked between both Nev and Fenn, and seeing them look at him with a calculated stare made him all the more confused. They were apparently upset with him for some reason. How could he mess with privacy? How was he in their heads? It as alomst as if they though he was a... "Mind reader," he said softly. "You think I'm a mid reader?"

    Ven then burst out laughing, laughing so hard that he had to sit down, crying, because he was laughing so hard. Really, he couldn't help himself. He found the situation amusing.

    "When he finally calmed down and whipped away the tears, he looked at them both. "I'm sorry, but I believe there was a misunderstanding. I am not a mind reader. I'm nowhere near that special. At best, I'm a half-elf who has a way with words. But I think... I think I may have found the problem."

    "You," he pointed at Fenn, "don't speak words out loud much do you?" Fenn shook his head.

    "Thought so. But then the obvious question is how I could understand! And the answer to that is... Well... I'm not actually quite sure. I've always been able to understand what people say to me, and in turn, I've always been able to communicate back. Fenn here... Every action, his every move, it radiates something... It's very strange to me, but when I see how he moves- how you move Fenn, words- no not words- feeling- intent- understanding... In that moment, it appeared in my mind."
    Oh look, another generic signature

    Fun stuff
    - Cupcake box: here

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