Nevin slowly turned his head back to look at the customer, raising an eyebrow as he did so. The alchemist made sure to keep one eye on Fenn though - he didn't want the Fae making a break for it when he wasn't paying attention after all. What the man had said was quite possibly one of the strangest, and at the same time most concerning things he had ever heard. He cleared his throat.

"I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say I talk in red, Goodman Ven. As far as I'm aware I don't speak in colors, just in words like anyone else. Additionally -" Nevin turned back around to watch Fenn more closely. Now that he was up close, and none of the lingering traces of snow were falling around him, he could see that the boy looked... Exhausted. His ears, normally quite perky, had their tips drooping, and a paler grey hue had spread across them. The blonde was also trembling a bit, his chest heaving and his legs shaking.

The Fae had been exerting himself, and rather strenuously, recently. Nevin grimaced internally and shelved his questions for the moment - he would ask more later, when there wasn't a customer in the shop. For now, he would let sleeping dire wolves lie. So when Fenn tried to distract them, creating an image of Ven in the air for a moment, he was content to simply nod with a slight frown. Fenn's condition worsened when he did that - was using his illusion magic that difficult for him?

The small blonde trudged back behind Nevin's counter and slumped down in the abandoned chair, and the redhead sighed and shook his head again, hair dancing about his head as he sighed in exasperation. He stalked over to the counter, and long slender fingers plucked up a candy and unwrapped it before placing the small golden orb on the wood in front of Fenn. That done, he turned his attention back to the actual customer.

"My apologies for this, Goodman.
Fenn is... An acquaintance, and lives with my apprentice in Stonevale when he is in that town. I feel some measure of responsibility for him, even if he is well capable of looking after himself. Now then, sorry for the interruption. What can I do for you?"
Let Fenn rest and recover while he talked with this surprisingly loud individual.