Jethro managed hand shakes as best he could, he had a sixth digit protruding from his palm, well digit was a simple description, what it was, was a barb, a razor sharp, hinged barb. He shrugged, it was a matter of fact thing, on his right hand were more bony knobs that protruded through his skin. He leaned against the wall of alchemy shop as he waited for his acquaintance to gather his supplies.

If all Nevin wanted was blood, and lots of it, than it was a simple matter of finding a red deer, or some other large animal and just bleed it dry. Best way to do that would be to hang it up side down and cut out it's tongue. The blood would flow at an incredible rate, and it would net buckets of blood in a matter of a few minutes. But, not all blood was created equal; the more powerful the blood the more useful it would be for his acquaintance; which meant specialized beasts, maybe some sentient's with particular sets of talents, or some other out there options.

Dragons, basilisks, and manticores were excellent candidates for incredibly potent blood, for sentient's there were vampires to be exterminated, werewolves to be put down, witches, druids, and wizards; all of which had potent blood but the biomancer wasn't sure as to Nevins sensibilities. Not knowing which sort of options Nevin would consider he simply asked the homunculus "what kind of creature does your friend prefer to hunt?"