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  1. #10
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
    Level completed: 98%,
    EXP required for next Level: 265

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    Amari L'Olfsden

    View Profile
    Scarlet blinked, a little surprised to hear the words come out of Madison’s mouth. "So you do consider me a friend?" She mused. "And here I thought we were just business acquaintances." She had to admit it felt a little… nice to know that Madison shared the sentiment of friendship. Scarlet didn't have much going on for her in her life. Anyone she ever considered a friend had either left her, betrayed her, died, or she had personally broken to the point that they were nothing more than an obedient pup. Oops. And her mismash stream of 'lovers'? Bah. The only real thing she had quite up and left her. Fucker. Scarlet's eyes narrowed as she thought about it. Shinsou-Vaan-fucking-Osiris. Thought to be dead, only to rise again from the ashes, canoodling some chick in a bar. Intel further suggested that the man was now fluttering about with fuzzy bitch tits. Funny. Last Scarlet checked, 'friends' didn't fuck their friends’ lovers. Then again, Philomel was always about the fucking, a sentiment Scarlet could admit she could get behind. The faun had a lady boner for him. He was the one who lead Scarlet astray. The two were better off with each other. Less drama, less pathetic emotions. Taka... he was useless. Lye? He made it clear that their relationship was nothing.

    So who did that really leave? Who could Scarlet possibly ever really depend on?

    She guessed it was the Briarheart before her.

    "Friends..." The word sounded strange as it came from her lips. Strange… but good. Her eyes flickered gold before Scarlet closed them, rubbing the irritation she felt.

    As Scarlet and Madison exchanged friendly chatter, she couldn't shake the feeling that something about the briarheart was very off. More so than usual. Pressing further, Madison promised that the book and shard of Scarlet’s soul would find its way back to the Sanctum, with all her translated notes. In the hands of Zavine. Good. Scarlet had to admit she thought Madison would have done some sort of goody-goody move and let Zavine go.

    Conversations died down as Madison became more and more antsy, that is until...the White Blight Knights showed up. Madison practically jumped out of her chair to have at them. Meanwhile, Scarlet took one last sip of cocoa before the massacre began.

    Screams filled the tavern and Scarlet sighed as she pushed herself out of the chair and headed straight for the door. No one would get the chance to leave, not if she had anything to say about it. The man that Madison spat a glob of acid into screamed and gurgled as his face melted away. His corpse collapsed to the floor with a thud, steam rising from the gelatinous crater that was once his face.

    The older couple started begging with Scarlet.

    "L-let us out!"

    "Please! We're innocent."

    "We just want to--" The lady's eyes widened then rolled into the back of her head. Thick, viscous blood pooled out and over her mouth before she too crumpled to the floor. The culprit waved dangerously in front of the old man, a hissing snake made of crackling red energy. Its body swung dangerously in the air before slicing clean through the old man's neck.

    Scarlet would deal with the cleanup whilst Madison had fun fighting the White Blight whatever... Her scelera eyes shifted to Madison, who was currently chewing on a young man’s face. The red-haired assassin had to give the guy credit, he was still flailing about even as he was no doubt being eaten alive. Crunch! And with that horrible sound, the movement stopped. Madison gave a garbled giggle as she continued to messily slurp up the remnants.

    "Geez," Scarlet muttered as she stepped on the corpse of the headless elderly man. "Do you have to eat so loudly?"

    Madison paused and her back bristled. The mass of vines shifting. Scarlet could feel all four of those glowing eyes staring her down. There was another series of crunches before Madison snorted, tearing off a chunk of the knights flesh she held it out to Scarlet. "I'm sorry, where are my manners... would you like some?"

    Scarlet took Madison’s offering and held it out in front of her between thumb and forefinger. "Thanks, I guess." She turned her nose up at the chunk. Parts of it had been seared by whatever pus Madison had spewed forth. Scarlet pulled it close to her nose and sniffed.


    It didn't smell that bad. Maybe Madison was onto something. It'd certainly fix the lack of protein issue that Northern Salvar experienced.

    Wait, were humans even good protein?

    Scarlet bit the edge of the meat and tried to pull it away. Her teeth weren't razor-sharp and it took a great deal of effort. Scarlet finally managed to wrestle a nibble free, almost punching herself in the head in the process.

    She chewed the meat slowly in her mouth. It… wasn't really that nice.

    "Ptchew--!" She spat out onto the floor and wiped her mouth. "Honestly, it'd taste better cooked."
    Last edited by Amari; 12-14-2017 at 05:58 AM.

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