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  1. #1
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
    Level completed: 98%,
    EXP required for next Level: 265

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    Amari L'Olfsden

    View Profile
    Aside from being tossed and turned in an airship, the trip there was uneventful. Whenever Scarlet had tried to ask a question she was deflected with a glare, a drool-riddled, half-lidded gaze or another question about 'what would a man taste like if he were roasted using tinderwood instead of oak'. Shit that Scarlet didn't quite understand. Whatever the case, Madison had one thing right. She was messed up. Something had snapped inside the Briarheart, and whatever that thing was wanted carnage.


    Before all the how-to-do of said carnage the two found themselves sitting in a little pub in a not-so-little town about three hours’ carriage ride outside of Knife’s Edge. Right now it was quiet. The early afternoon sun hit the windows and cast a strong and warm light across the room. There was no need to light the candles at the center of each table. Few people were there, a family with two younger kids sat in a booth in the back corner and an old man and his wife sat by the window exchanging pleasant conversation. The waitress, a young girl no older than 23 had a smile on her face as she bustled around the place asking if anyone needed anything and for the third time, refilling water at the tables. She was either bored or way too into her job.

    Scarlet and Madison sat opposite each other. Each with a cup of hot cocoa cupped in their hands and for the first time, since, probably ever. Scarlet was the calm and calculating one. Madison was practically ready to jump out her seat. "Wait a little longer. They'll come in for their pre-scouting lunch, I assure you." Scarlet said quietly as she picked up the cup and took a sip. She winced. Too sweat. Scarlet placed it back down with a sigh. She wasn't sure why she was dragged on this quest. "I don't get why I need to come along to watch you literally tear the place up, Madison."

    "It's too quiet," Madison hissed. "You promised there would be many hero types here. Where the fuck are they?"

    "Probably scattered about the town. Now, unless you want to play a twisted game of hide and seek, sit tight."

    Scarlet could tell that the Briarheart before her entertained the thought. Before Madison could act on said thoughts, Scarlet interjected. "Why did you bring me along? It’s not like you needed me. Sure, I know Salvar--but does that really matter? That's an Aleran airship. You could've stopped by anywhere and gone on a rampage. Why bring me along--especially after giving such strict instructions on keeping me away from such things?" Scarlet asked.
    Last edited by Amari; 12-14-2017 at 10:01 AM.

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