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  1. #16
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
    Level completed: 98%,
    EXP required for next Level: 265

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    Amari L'Olfsden

    View Profile

    A burst of heat tickled Scarlets back and she turned to see-- "Well fuck," She hissed as she stomped hard on the fallen man’s chest, extra hard to exert her frustration. A big ass plume of thick, black smoke had risen, right from where they had parked the airship. Granted, Madison may have parked it atop a park and a few kids may have died but they were just necessary casualties.

    "Fuck!" Scarlet swore, and with each subsequent swear she rammed her foot down on the poor man’s jugular. He was long since dead, but it felt good to hear the sickening snaps of his bones. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! He's going to fucking kill me. Fuck." On airship it'd take barely an hour to get back to the Sanctum. Now? Now...? It'd be well into the night by the time she got back.

    "Fucking fuckers," Scarlet spat as she picked up the corpse and hurled it into a nearby shop window. Screams echoed from inside. Good. People were hiding. Fucking good. Good fucking riddance to them.

    Scarlet was vaguely aware of Madison’s anger too. The briarheart started screaming about how long it had taken her to get the ship and how important and valuable all the intricate maps and books were in it. Well, they each had their own priorities.

    Scarlet left Madison momentarily to head toward the shop, where people were hiding. They wanted fire? They could have it. They could fuckin' burn. The red-haired assassin picked up an oil-soaked torch which was far, far too conveniently held in a dead soldier’s hand. Great. Step one complete. She fished around in his clothes, pulling out odds and ends. A locket, boring. More oil? Great--she tossed it toward the shop and it splashed against the front door. Rusty sword… rations…

    Dammit where was that blonde half elf kid when she needed him? Oh yeah… Scarlet had ripped out one of Jake’s eyes and scarred him. Well, too bad. His fire magic would have been real handy right about now.

    The woman finally found what she was looking for, a small lighter, she lit the torch on fire then threw it toward the wooden door. It erupted into flames. Scarlet laughed. “That’s what you fucking get you god damn fuckers!”

    The people in the shop were innocent. They had nothing to do with the airship being set ablaze. They were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Scarlet’s chest burned, and it wasn’t the fire. She glanced down at her hands and could practically see the cracks… well, cracking open. Oops…. So much for ‘fixing’ things. Scarlet still felt normal...she still felt emotions… so this… this was surely nothing, right?

    “Hey. Hey!”

    She turned to Madison who was busy ripping the arms off of a screaming man.


    “What!” She called back, having dropped the man, he was still screaming and crying, rolling around in a pile of his own blood. Madison grabbed another man as he tried to impale her with a spear and proceeded to do the same thing.

    Must have a thing for arms. Scarlet briefly wondered if it were good meat…

    She shook her head. No. Now was not the time.


    “WHAT! What the fuck do you want,” She spat back.

    “Wanna burn the whole place to the ground?”
    Last edited by Amari; 12-14-2017 at 06:20 AM.

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