“My end”. Fenn tried not to think of it as a cop-out answer; Amari seemed to have spoken it literally, as in, the literal end of her. He had been looking more for an answer of motivation. A “why”, if you will. A question of “what”, exactly, she was doing with herself. “Temper, temper” his ass. Shaking off a sheen of ice crystals on his cloak, he sighed and let go of the question. It wasn’t going to get a satisfactory answer, and he knew it in a very deep and sad bit of his chest. Even his boundless curiosity knew its limits.

Speaking of which…

When Nevin brought out those vials, Fenn couldn’t help but lean in towards them. Partially because, as always, his first instinct when being presented with a shiny object was to stuff it down his satchel. But more strongly came his curiosity. The boy shyly reached out to take one of them in hand, and scribbled down one of his many buzzing questions on the (rather frosty now) desk. Fuckit, he wanted to know more about this, literal-assassin’s-presence be damned. WHAT CAN DO WITH MY BLOOD? IF YOU DO MAGIC BLOOD STUFF TO IT. He was fairly ready to bleed into a few vials for the sake of magical sciences himself. It was then that Fenn resolved to visit his strange alchemist companion more often. For one thing, this blood-thing was mysterious as all hell, and he wanted to investigate into it at times where a certain crackly-skinned witch wasn’t sucking the air out of the room. For another, Nev needed someone to protect his poor, vulnerable recluse self from people like said crackly-skinned witch.

He stared down into his vial, seeing himself reflected in the glass in the instant before it frosted over. Yes. The boy would protect his fascinating blood-mage friend.

When he was around.

Fenn didn’t exactly linger in places for very long. And he wasn’t sure what, in particular, besides Amari, that he would protect Nevin from. And he really, really didn’t have much power to defend with anyway. But he’d do it!

Faintly, the fae wondered how bloodloss — even a tiny bit — would mingle with his insomnia.