Scarlet raised an eyebrow. "Please, If I wanted to fuck you - I'd make my moves away from peeping toms." She said as her eyes darted toward Fenn. Shifting her scelera gaze back to the man before her she pointed to his skin. "That was what I was looking for." And with those words she again, took off her gloves then rolled up her sleeves to reveal the massive scarring across her entire body. It looked as though she were made of fine china that had been broken. "Aww look at that..." Scarlet muttered in a mocking tone. "We match."

She put her gloves back on but left her sleeves rolled up. Nevin was chastising Fenn. Oh the irony. "Well... I wouldn't be too harsh on the little thief." Scarlet mused as she side stepped Nevin and took a few more steps toward the counter. She stopped short several metres of it. Nevin didn't need Fenn pissing himself, and Scarlet didn't need the fae running off on her. Having the two in the same place could prove to yield more opportunities. "I haven't been much of myself lately, and during one of my shall I say....episodes? I did injure Fenn, quite terribly so." Her eyes shifted to his covered wrists. "He has every right to want me dead, and is very welcome to try." Scarlet added with a laugh before waving dismissively.

"Him being here is just a coincidence. One in my favour, to be sure, but a coincidence nonetheless. I'd avoid throwing him to any force of law. He's too slippery for them, and I'd take a guess that they'd use...iron?" Scarlet questioned as she again - shifted her gaze to Fenn. The Fae stilled at the mention of the metal. It was the very thing Scarlet had used against him, and she was sure it had bought up painful memories. Literally.

"Blood magic..." Scarlet mused as she approached the poisons cabinet, reading through some of the concoctions. Nothing too sinister, ones to impede, ones to make you sick, to put you to sleep, immobolize. She could do all that with her bare hands. Literally. "So, a bit of a third rate alchemist. That is until you bring in your blood magic." She picked up a paralyzing poison and rolled it around in her hand.

"I'm a bit of an...oddity Nevin. My magic is well, me. My soul in its entirety is formed of mana and is quite corrupted. Anything I touch crumbles. If I so desire it, I could kill the both of you, just by my presence. Smell that...?" She gestured at the air around her, and the slight aroma of decay. "That's me. That was not always the was the opposite. I'd have to wonder... if using my blood would become a beneficial aid, or the most nefarious of concoctions."

She rose her eyes to meet Nevin's curious gaze. "Let us find out." With a flurry of her wrist she whipped off her glove and drew a single finger across her arm. A very,very thick line of blood appeared then drizzled over her arm and dripped to the floor. "Let's not dilly dally - Nevin." Scarlet teased.