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    upon the cheek of night

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    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    “Man overboard!”

    Joshua Cronen had become habituated to hearing that cry while he swam in the sea. To the sailors of the Feisty Fox, he likely resembled a survivor of the flotsam that remained of Caedron. In truth, the powers of his goddess had brought him there to answer Shinsou’s call. But in any event, he still needed a line, and one was thrown down by the crew of Philomel’s ship.

    As Breaker climbed fluidly from the sea the water soaking his clothing and hair simply stayed behind, sprinkling the wavy surface. He landed lightly on the good ship’s deck despite his black metal boots. His dark sifan clothing seemed not only dry but freshly pressed, his hair perhaps annoyingly well arrayed. The Y-shaped scars on his cheeks dimpled as he smiled at the matriarch of the Gilded Lily.

    “Philomel,” he said fondly, “it has been far too long. My thanks for the lift. And Veridian,” he added to the fox-form familiar, "it is good to see you alive and well."

    “Breaker,” the faun replied, inclining her head slightly, “you have been with Am’aleh? You would have been welcome aboard my ship.”

    “There are certain… pleasantries… to traveling with a Thayne.” Josh grinned.

    “Even so,” the matriarch said, an eyebrow arched in amusement. “You should be careful, swimming in the sea. There are monsters about.”

    “If what we see here is any indication,” Breaker said, his tone suddenly grim, “then your ship is no safer than me on my own.”

    A moment of silence passed between them as they stared at the startlingly scarce wreckage.

    “There is no safe port, I suspect what we see are the remains of the docks.” Philomel observed, turning her horned head. “Maverik, lay anchor.” She called to her captain. “Breaker and I will go ashore with a small party in the longboat. You have command ‘till I return.”

    The captain aye-ayed and passed her words along, the crew working like a well lubricated Alerian steam engine. The ship came about in a spray of salt water and found a safe berth. Soon Josh, Philomel, Veridian, and six of the crew sat in the longboat as thick ropes lowered it to the jetsam ridden water. The faun stood gallantly on the prow of the boat while her crew rowed, and Breaker sat in the back, staring into their wake.

    It is no coincidence that you and Shinsou have been called to answer for the disappearance of this village. Am’aleh had told him, but after that she had fallen silent. What could she mean by that? He had not seen the Brotherhood’s arbiter in months, since they defeated the Thayne Draconus along the coast of Serenti. What could link him and Shinsou to the destruction of a fishing village in Scara Brae?

    Perhaps the Telgradian will have some answers, Breaker thought as the nose of the longboat grated on the shoreline. He is always well informed by the Brotherhood’s channels. Josh, Philomel and her fox leaped effortlessly ashore, and then the crew clambered out and hauled the boat onto dry ground.

    It had been difficult to find a place to come aground; the shore was shorn away to form a sheer cliff of at least several meters in most places. It was like some great giant had taken a knife and carved away the chunk of land on which Caedron once sat. The village, and presumably all of its people, animals, and buildings, had gone with it. But where?

    The party from the Feisty Fox hiked up the grassy hill toward Shinsou’s small group. The slim man dressed in white waved a hand in greeting. There would be short enough time for pleasantries and idle words. When he spoke with Am’aleh, Josh had felt fear in her voice. He did not think it wise to wait on a force which could frighten a Thayne.
    Last edited by Breaker; 12-02-2017 at 12:58 PM.

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