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  1. #6

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
    Level completed: 55%, EXP required for next Level: 7,350
    Level completed: 55%,
    EXP required for next Level: 7,350

    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
    Faun (+ Fox/Earth Spirit)
    Female (+ Male)

    View Profile
    Mighty, powerful, majestic, robust. He rose like the very beast who had swallowed Caedron whole from the ground and shook his body of dirt and grass. Huffing he breathed out several large puffs of brown, murky air and stretched his elegant but bulky thirty foot long body as Philomel started up the rise to him. A wide smile on her face told of her pleasure, and her relaxed stance spoke of the way she was purely comfortable in his presence. There she was, a mighty faun with a tight violet plait, two heavy swords strapped to her back and a red dragonscale and mythril chainmail bodice. There he was, a wingless dragon resplendent in greens and browns, the colours of the earth, his skin more like turtle shell than glittering scales. As she came near he tilted his head, fixed a solid green eye on her and harrumphed.

    "Mother ..."

    She strode to him, taking up his muzzle into her arms. Gently, she ran a hand up and down his nose, grinning like a fool as she turned to her comrades, the two warriors she would have chosen any day to be with her.

    "Shinsou, you have met of course ... Joshua, I think when we rescued the Lyre, my friend, Delath was not as important to me as he is now. This is Delath ... my steed for more intents and purposes."

    The dragon let out a soft growl and nosed her with a little irritation. Brightly, she laughed and nodded to his back, where a long saddle was, big enough for two of them, three at a tight squeeze. "If we want to get to Scara Brae by nightfall, I suggest we go by dragonback from here. Delath is as fast as any horse might go, and will keep danger from our way."

    "Dragonback?" Joshua said, his brows rising.

    "Dragon," Delath said proudly, and Philomel laughed. She watched as a lithe form sprinted between them all, then bounded his way up Delath's leg with practised movements. He got to the saddle, then paused and looked down at them all, his bright golden eyes curiously glimmering. "Fox good rider," the dragon hummed.

    Still chuckling, the faun ascended into the seat. She beamed at her companions, holding out hands for them. It took time for some persuasion, but Shinsou seemed to adapt to it sooner than she intially hoped. Arius and the others ... had to cope with horses.

    In a few moments they were bounding across the wilds of Scara Brae, the ruined town behind them. The sun was heavy in the sky, and warning a sinking, but they had spirit on their side and a task worth racing for. Delath carried his load with pride and care, leaping as far as his four great legs would carry him, at times literally wrenching trees out of the way with his nearly indestructable jaws. Grass became mush, and rain even seeemed to be no match for the two humans, the faun and the fox silently cantering over the plains. It was if they chased it, if it was merely an amusement to them.

    The horses beside him was a distraction, and them shied a couple of times as he barked at them with amusement.

    Delath grinned as he ran, and roared as the first spires of the city came into view. Red brick, grey brick, walls that were low and gentle, but still stern enough to be called protection against enemies. Onwards he paced, and even as a bell rang out from a lone guard tower, the dragon continued. Enemies - he could quell enemies, as easily as they were blades of grass or little mice between his teeth.

    A trumpet sounded, warning and low, and Philomel peered over the top of Delath's head to see the beginnings of a small parade coming out of the city gate nearest to them. Pretty white stallions, and a banner flying the official colours of the Scara Brae royal guard. She winced, softly lowering her head to hiss in Delath's ear.

    "Slow down, darling, we should ... meet them kindly."

    And though he did not like the idea, Delath did, carefully slowing his furious running until he was just walking with his load, and eyes glaring at the horses coming at them. Beside them their own people pulled the spare horses to a walk, and on the field of green under fading light, the two parties met.
    Last edited by Philomel; 12-03-2017 at 09:34 AM.
    *admin at your service*

    Matriarch of the Gilded Lily and of its brothels, associated establishments and the army.

    The family triplet: Philomel, Vaeron and Celandine.
    The god and kenku triplet: Stare, Avin and Vixen.
    The Primordials: Professor Charles and Moros.

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