Isn't it fantastic when the beasties decide to fight each other? Just makes it that much easier to finish off the wounded little pricks. Watching the two titanic beasts tussle was reminding me of the battles I had seen the Hollows get engaged in. Even in the final stage of Undeath, they would continue to fight each other, locked forever in the routines that they had once possessed in life. That - that wasn't what was happening here, but it was damn reminiscent of it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Avin had crept away from me, winking and with a gleam in his eye. He jabbed his weapon - it looked like a glaive of sorts, I really had to ask him what it was called - towards the side of the boar. So he wanted to take the living beast for himself? That was fine with me.

I would kill this bastard of a tree then. That was fine by me - it had hurt the townsfolk, and I was more than alright with my goals synching up like this. I watched as the Boar slammed that massive horn into the Treant, goring its stomach again. The sentient tree retaliated by digging its fingers into one of the bony plates on the side of the boar and ripping it away, exposing tender flesh, the skin ripped away. If we left them alone, one would kill the other - and then would likely die of the injuries inflicted in battle. It wasn't like these brutes had doses of Estus to chug. Damn. Now I wished I had Estus. I would have to find someone who could replicate the Flame's effects and use it to restore me.

I shook off that errant thought and drew a deep breath, and began drawing the bowstring back. I would open with an arrow attack - keeping in mind that I did have a rather limited number of the fearsome weapons at the moment - and then move to my javelins. This seemed like a solid, safe plan. Well, not safe. It did mean throwing lightning at a monstrous being, but hey. I was throwing it, not trying to get up close and stab them with it. Not yet, at least. Oh, I hoped I recovered enough to use the Lightning Weapon miracle again soon. Being able to wreathe a weapon in a coating of Lightning was always a good thing, even when it wasn't.

There, an opening! The Treant had balled up its hands together and smashed the Boar in the side of its head, sending it sprawling away for a few moments. As the Boar struggled back to its feet, the Treant was leaning heavily to one side, trying to use the breather to recover from the goring that it had suffered. Too bad that its focus was a little too intense. Well, too bad for it. Fantastic for me. I drew back, muscles groaning as I pulled the heavy bow-string taut. There - it stopped moving for a second too long.

TWANG The bow string snapped forward, breaking my concealment. not that I cared really. I dropped my bow as the massive arrow sliced through the cold night air, plunging into the side of the Treant, impaling it on the iron shaft. I snatched my chime from my belt and began chanting as I moved to avoid the Treant's retributive attack - a torrent of razor sharp leaves that ripped up the soil where I had been moments before. As Lightning crackled into life around my hand, an imperial golden-yellow, I shot my eyes over to check on my companion's progress.