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  1. #19

    EXP: 32,526, Level: 7
    Level completed: 70%, EXP required for next Level: 2,474
    Level completed: 70%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,474

    Jake Narmolanya's Avatar


    Jacob (Jake) Narmolanya
    Elf / Human
    “Josh,” I exclaimed, “thank you. I’m so sorry about the floor. I’ll have it-”

    “Nevermind the floor, Jake!” Breaker replied, rounding on me angrily. I had never really seen him angry before, and it was pretty scary. His hazel eyes flashed and veins stood out on his forehead like a crown of thorns. “What if I had been teaching a class? You can’t just bring every demon who doesn’t die easy to my doorstep!”

    “I know,” I said, the adrenaline fading, regret rushing in to take its place. “I’m sorry. I swear I wasn’t being careless. I had a whole party with me, and they all-” I choked on the words and turned away to dash a sleeve across my eyes. “They all died. It’s up to me to avenge them.”

    “Look at me, Jake.” His tone was frustratingly patient, and yet had a hard edge to it. I turned and met his gaze. “I am not the instrument of your revenge. It is good to see you, but I wish it could have been under different circumstances…”

    “I thought you’d at least help me,” I interrupted, my cheeks coloring with anger. “Give me a lesson or something. Can’t you teach me to resist his telepathic attacks?”

    “I could,” Cronen frowned, “but it would take time, and I have other students, and other responsibilities to consider. And you left, Jake. You’ll always be a friend, but you’re no longer a pupil.”

    “Couldn’t I study under you on a sort of temporary basis?” I wheedled, but I knew it was no good even before he shook his head. I’d pushed Breaker too hard by showing up with Arkboss in tow. There would inevitably be push back. I mean, they call him Breaker.

    “I have several classes of full time students here. Most of them journeyed from far away to learn from me. I don’t have time to give you private lessons like I used to.”

    “Well then… maybe some advice? Come on Josh, you gave me that much when I wanted to go after Ulroke.” I felt empty on the inside. Devastated by the trauma of loss, and absolutely without direction. I had no idea how to best such a powerful demon.

    “Very well,” Breaker relented. “Tell me about this Haidian.” He sat cross-legged in the middle of the floor, facing away from me.

    “His name is Arkboss the Hunted.” I stepped to the paper-thin wooden wall and saw that Josh’s students had carved their names there with pins. Despite the fine Akashiman scrawl, most of the east wall was already covered. “The team I was with had a bounty for him. We were in the process of setting an ambush when he got the drop on us. We knew about his uses of fire, and the guns, and a few other things… but the telepathy caught me by surprise. I wasn’t strong enough to fight it. I had to run, and this was the only place… I knew I’d be safe. I’m sorry for coming. Maybe I should have just died like a warrior.”

    “It’s done,” Cronen said, almost indifferently. “Just don’t do it again.” He placed his hands on his knees and took a deep breath, straightening his spine. “One of my students who traveled from Radasanth recently mentioned a blood alchemist who has a shop in the city. I’d say you have more than enough of the demon’s ichor on your jacket for a skilled potion-maker to brew a draught that would make you resistant to the demon’s powers… at least temporarily.”

    I turned away from the wall of names. A fire as hot as Arkboss’ black aura burned within me. I had a new direction, a new purpose, a new chance. I drew on the Eternal Tap and prepared to conjure a portal to Radasanth.

    “Thank you, Josh. What’s the name of this shop?”
    Last edited by Breaker; 12-10-2017 at 06:24 PM.

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