We made a quick trip back to the Hunter’s Retreat so the others could gather the rest of their gear. I only needed the sword on my back. Marvin and the brothers suited up in studded leather armor, Aeranessa brought a tall recurve bow and a quiver of arrows, and Selima equipped herself with a sash full of throwing knives and a long spear. We gathered in the alley behind the inn and formed into a loose huddle.

“Arkboss is clever, for a Haidian,” Marvin said as he pulled a folded cloth map from inside his vest. “He rarely visits the same place twice in a row, so despite his atrocities the outcry is minimal. But we’ve managed to learn the location of his home base.” He spread the map on a massive palm and indicated a specific region. “Here, in the Tular Plains. Not so surprising, I suppose, but it’s hidden by a spell. However,” he nodded at Nessa, “we have the counterspell needed. Now, how close to here can you get us?”

“Pretty close, actually.” I said, my eyepatch scrunching as I raised both eyebrows. I’d visited most of the known world of Althanas, but they were still lucky that I’d been to the Tular Plains before. Luckier still that I’d visited an area a few hours’ walk from the mountainous spot Marvin indicated. “What if he just teleports away?” I pointed out, “I can’t follow him unless I know exactly where he’s going.”

“That’s me again,” Nessa said, finally finding her voice. “I can read arcane residues. I’ll be able to see where he’s gone, and describe it to you. Will that suffice?”

“It will,” I nodded, and then brushed the shaggy blond hair out of my eyes. “What else can you tell me about this demon?”

“His command of fire is his most dangerous quality,” Selima said quietly. “According to witnesses, the flames he uses are different shapes, different colors, and have different properties. He can teleport within a room very fast, has two Alerian revolvers, and it’s rumored he once bested ‘ag Tulfried with a blade. He’s as ancient as some of the greatest dragons on Althanas, and cleverer than you or me.”

“You must not know me very well,” I winked, “so you’re the brains, Marvin is the muscle, and Nessa handles the spellwork. Nice team. What are the brothers dim for?”

Dirk and Flint both reached for my throat, four hands grasping to strangle me. I swayed backward, and then Marvin was between us.

“Steady there boys, he’s just testing you.” The ginger giant assured them. “The brothers can arm and armor themselves with powerful ice. Should be useful against a fire-demon, doncha’ think?”

“Alright.” I clutched the silk scarf around my neck and wiped my face with it. “This sounds like it could work.” I looked at Marvin. My head was at the same height as the heavy-bladed skinning knife sheathed on his chest. Most people probably wouldn’t believe that, an hour earlier, I’d bested him with both hands behind my back. Strangely, that didn’t bother me at all.

“Of course it’ll work,” the big man chuckled, “you haven’t even heard the plan yet!”